How To Implement An Intelligent Strategy By Automating Business Operations?

We highlight the key points an enterprise need to work on towards attaining the leadership. Understanding that different organizational setup will have different priorities.

Intelligent business leaders understand the need to adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of business contexts. So as to explore new venues and conquer all opportunities, one must get out of the proverbial frog's well and look beyond ordinary practices.

(Image source: RupeshKumarShah)

In this accord, smart executives are eventually utilizing software applications to automate their business processes. Engaging a software to keep track of the valuable resources, businesses can avail their manpower's efficiency in other domains such as improving customer experience and facilitating a much more flexible business campaign.

How to implement an effective strategy?

We highlight the key points an enterprise need to work on towards attaining the leadership. Understanding that different organizational setup will have different priorities, we try to stay as generic as possible. You can appropriate these bullet points to suit your business contexts.

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  • Providing reliable support

Remaining active as ever, you will want to get clearer communication with your employees, clients, and above all, your customers. Also, you might consider having the communication stored for future references as well as R&D concerns.

Automating the business process will help you to this end by maintaining a user-friendly platform in which all your correspondences can be available for as long as you seek.

  • Better feedback management

Regardless of whether you are in the manufacturing sector, or deal in e-commerce, having a competent feedback system is crucial to foster excellent communication between your process managers and vendors. So what has business automation to do about it? While your customer feedback can be accessed (and worked upon) on a real-time basis, getting your process automated can ensure that issues are quickly addressed.

What's unique about this operation model is that your teams can consistently monitor the metrics, thereby working towards an improved version of your business practice. As a business consultant, I have seen quite a many cases where adopting such practices have shown astonishing (and fruitful) outcomes in annual performance reviews.

  • Defining new targets and identifying better avenues of success

As a company, you always thought you would make a big difference in the way the world works. And why not? With the right strategy and proper execution of plans, you can elevate your success stories and soon become a trendsetter in the domain you currently operate for.  

Winston Churchill quoted once that "if you're going through hell, keep going”. It's time you run ahead of your competition and hit the bull's eye. By identifying your strong points and deficiency, you will be in a better position to formulate an effective strategy. You need not boil the ocean at once; instead start small. Get an updated business process automation software that will release your employees from doing the regular file transfer and database management.

Once you automate these simple things, you can think of many innovative ways to do something different, something better. And yes, your employees are as energetic as you, and they will take more initiatives to improve the overall brand value.

The Crucial Business Automation That Kills Your Competition

In day to day business transactions, having a technological advantage can mean a lot. Whether in terms of timely delivery or in reducing the manpower involved to get a particular task done, software resources have always been a great help to business processes. Analogous to a virtual assistance package, this software protects your office data processing and adds value as a technology-built friend.


We have leaped ahead of the old days when an office clerk would need to note down everything, from the schedule of events to the pending tasks. VisualCron brings ahead an opportunity to integrate multiple tasks, all in one place. So whether it's planning a specific job or assigning tasks to various employees, you can comfortably record them all in this software. The software will take the lead and will assist you in integrating various systems through fast file transfers and compatible conversions. Especially when your daily job involves dealing with .BAT file resources and iteratively transferring files and digital data, this software claims to provide you with the maximum utility value, without compromising in terms of quality deliverance. With this kind of software assurance will trigger your motives of outrivaling your business competitors.

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With an intelligent design such as VisualCron, you get your instant messenger integrated to get the real time collaboration with many team tools. Even when you have to travel and have a busy schedule, you can use this software to control your tasks due to its cross-time internet connectivity all across the globe without bothering about information leakage. Supporting multiple clients with just one server administration, you can even develop your personalized desktop or web experience.

Client only Pre-requisites

Depending on your specific requirements, you will need have to meet the following system requirements to get things working:

OS requirements

By design, VisualCron is developed to work with Windows operating computer systems. Whether you have Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or previous versions of Windows such as XP, 2003, 2008 or 2012 version, this software will demonstrate ample compatibility to suit your needs. All you need to ensure is that your system has .NET 4.0 enabled. Regardless of whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit processor, you can avail the benefits of this efficient software to suit your business and other needs.


However, to get the maximum efficiency and the most optimized performance, it is recommended that you install VisualCron software on a Windows 8 OS. and preferably be quad core or higher. A reserved memory of 200 MB is essential for proper functioning, additionally there should be at least 4GB of free memory to serve your purpose.

Why Business Automation adds a Punch to your business processes

A research by Netsuite found that more than 2/3rd of the participating companies seek improving productivity so as to cut down costs and increase business returns. Around 60% of mid-size companies plan to automate their business operations. It essentially follows that by automating the daily processes in business contexts, employees will be relieved from handling diversified data types and order management issues. Subsequently, they can further contribute towards adding more value to the company by emphasizing their efforts in revenue growth initiatives. The same research revealed that a large section of these companies anticipates integrating software tools to impart better customer experience and quality management short.

  • Why do we need to automate businesses today?

In the world we live, opportunities of better market acquisition are exponentially rising. With that kind of business environment, there is no room for leaving any screw loose. Getting business processes automated results into tangible results. Whether it is customer experience or productivity, or even deliverance of new products, automation frees you from all insecurities and encourages your valuable manpower to look beyond the average scope. While the software takes care of your daily operations, you can look for better opportunities.

PMG  went deep to explore the benefits of getting a typical business operation automated. They found that an automated business process performs better than an ordinary business by

  • sharing knowledge

  • improving the customer experience and making the buyer's journey seamless

  • managing and measuring enterprise data resources

  • getting a bigger picture out of accumulated transactional data to formulate and activate the feasible plan-of-action

  • error-free alignment of business goals

  • gaining consistent efficiency and discarding miscommunication

  • eliminating redundancy by cross-checking the stored data therefore ensuring anti-duplicacy

If you are a small or midsize company struggling to manage your valuable information, you can look out for a standard business process automation (BPA) software. As such, most of the available software resources are compatible with the general system specifications. So, with little spending (on the license or the cost of the BPA software), you can get the maximum benefits and become a market leader in no time!

Depending upon your specific requirements and market compatibility, your chosen software should adapt to your precise needs. Also, since you will want to reduce your expenditure, it is preferable that the software should allow multiple users while using a single server as the administrator. Make sure that your data remains secure and so check for the security features as well. You don't want your valuable data to leak, so having proper permission system designed in the software need to be present.

Automate Numerous Software with Ease Using Task Scheduler

Windows 10 is about to come up with a remarkable change in Microsoft’s OS works. However, the Windows 8.1 comes with some legacy tools and apps that you may not be aware of. VisualCron’s Task Scheduler is one of them. It is an inbuilt utility that will help you to automate numerous tasks without using any additional software. The details about it are mentioned below:-


VisualCron’s Task Scheduler tool is a powerful task scheduler. It will enable you to automate all your daily tasks such as lunch applications, batch files, scripts, web pages, shut-down and restart of your computer, close-dial up connections and play sounds. Pop-up messages will prevent you from forgetting important tasks included on your to do list. Automatic shut-down feature enables you to leave your system running and be confident that it shuts down at a particular time. Almost the same feature is applicable in the case of dial -up networks and programs.


Task Scheduler icons will become visible in your system tray, providing you with access to all the features through a popup menu. It will appear once you right click. You can restore the tool by pressing on Advanced Task Scheduler. This scheduler may also be launched as a Windows Service. It will make sure that all the tasks you have scheduled tasks to run in a well ordered manner without consuming too much of your desktop space. You can also run it without logging in as a user.

Task Scheduler can keep a track of all tasks that have been executed in a log file or shared with you in your inbox. This will help you to take note of which tasks are being executed and at what time. You can also print the log file if the need arises. Moreover, you can also encrypt your settings and task list, utilize login-watch, process watch as well as file watch features and assign numerous short-cuts and schedules for each task.

It is an effective tool that you may not have a clear idea about. One way through which you can understand its potential is to find out its usability. Once you do that, you won’t have to waste your time handling a multitude of software.

Why is VisualCron the Most Useful Software for Your Business?

Every organization has some employees engaged with scheduling the day-to-day tasks. Whether you work as a recruitment manager or have to deal in with operation teams, a proper task scheduling software is always helpful. Not just it saves your time and money; it eases your job responsibility. Also, since the software takes care of notification and other actions, there is little very little chance for any error to occur.

Regardless of whether you are an employee or a business owner, you often feel the need of an adequate software application that can streamline your daily job and relieve you of the extra burden you have to take every day. VisualCron does exactly the same thing for you. Designed accurately to cater all small and mid-size enterprises, this software has great features, one of which is job scheduler.

A utility software designed to help enterprises, VisualCron automates your daily jobs such as handling batch files (processing, file transfer, etc.). While it reduces time by doing away with the otherwise manual interventions, it is especially helpful when you have large sized files to operate. Keeping pace with the latest technological advancements, most business houses are struggling to find an alternative to manual labor. Why involve valuable employees in tasks that can be automated? With software taking care of your needs, you no longer have to cross-check the work since it’s very unlikely for error to creep in.

Scheduling jobs and getting periodic reminders will help you prioritize things better and consequently you won't miss any event. Do you have any appointment scheduled next month? No problem, just feed in that in this software, it will remind you at the right time so that you can attend in time.

What features do I get?

  • Task management

Provides you with resources to alter the already set tasks so as to coordinate among your team members across various computer systems

Image source: VisualCron

  • Monitored audits

Monitors all activities and stores them for your future reference

  • Real-time assessment

Help in real-time interaction, therefore providing proactive customer experience

  • Automatic checking of issues and conflicts

  • Extended Log in

You don’t need to audit the thing manually; this software has enough resources to debug

  • Supports multiple users with one server

  • Simple and user-friendly software

Even when you are no geek, you can use this software. The benefit of having a simple interactive system is that you don't need to spend much time or money in training your employees.

Want the Ball to be in Your Court? We Can Bring it With BPA

Efficiency with cost management is what most of the business organisation try to pursue.The separate management of different operation may lead to efficiency, but the aim of managing cost remains largely unfulfilled. Also, separate management of different operations often leads to a strict and greater requirement of coordination.  The process of different operation can be coordinated if the technology is allowed to play a significant role. The technology here we are providing will downsize the complex affairs of business development, management, HR, etc. Our software will help you out in multidimensional ways. Our software solution will allow you to control the various activity with greater control and transparency omnipotently.

The business as most of our customer operate have shared their experience. The traditional before and after comparison will be easier for you understand how the Business Process Automation software adds value to your operations. To take insight from the process of performance tracking of employees. HR executives in their review of employees have to collect manually all the task performed by each employ and then they compare it with the task given to them.Moreover, they also have to coordinate with quality control team for their feedback. The process does not end here, the processing of information and then creating a report always enhance the chances of error and delay. Along with all the work-related problems, the manual process simultaneously reduces the productivity of employees. VisualCron solutions have transformed the work culture by its business process automation software services. Our products are the threads that you can use and reach out to the desired outcomes. The transformations or changes ‘after’ using our software solutions are widespread. Now there is a common platform to assess, plan out, share, communicate and review the work.

We also believe that our products should not be merely software solutions. The focus is on making it adaptive and engaging according to your business requirements. Whether its IT operations or another department that does not use technological elements int their task, Our software are developed to suit the basic minimum functional requirement of your daily work.

This Clock Doesn't Stops: Job Scheduling Software

The job scheduling software is meant to integrate various business processes. The centralising of operation gets easier with the help of VisualCron’s job scheduling software. The job scheduling software provides a console to the whole enterprise.  It fends off the user intervention. The scheduling of different batches is essential for any business organisation as the transition happening the industry.  

VisualCron’s job scheduling software collects and organises the data and information on and throughout different platforms. The quality of operation in the IT aspect of business requires regular updates. The operators require to cope with the challenges thrown out to them by the challengers.The multiplicity of the events in daily operation requires the clock and calendar to remain updated. Keeping all the job schedule from different functions of the enterprise is a hectic task.

The job scheduling software downsizes the number of error which occur while manually operating, improvises the level of service delivery, enhances the control and streamlines the jobs and lastly makes it a cost efficient affair by deducting the cost of operation which occurs when you manually manage the affairs. Furthermore, automation of the job scheduling helps in sequencing and simultaneously creating updates and add-ons. Also, the coordination from one system to another is easier in VisualCron’s Job scheduling software.

Moreover, the VisualCron software allows IT operators schedule on the basis of an event and generates a notification on problems and delays in the process. The characteristic of generating notifications is a minor but important advantage for all the business organisation. With the help of our software, the performance of a task and their completion rate will spur up. The afterward impact of using the job scheduling software will allow you respond to the challenges and demand. The integration aspect of our software is crucial as it allows you to bring together the job execution to applications outside the system.

The advance software of VisualCron helps in tuning your performance and removes the repetition of a task. The automation solution will not only govern but also provides backup and recovery. The capacity of our service marks its presence on various updated platform making the process of integration further easy and simple.

Important Features that a High Quality WMS Needs to Have

The use of Workflow Management Software(WMS) in businesses has become a common practice these days. However, entrepreneurs often make the mistake of choosing the wrong tool to improve their productivity. You need to check some features for the Workflow Management Tool you are acquiring to serve your business needs. Some of them are mentioned below:-

Tool should be cloud based

There is no point in using a Workflow Management software if it isn’t cloud based. As the daily tasks of executives are no longer confined to their desks, access to a cloud based WMS can help them to work from any part of the world. Moreover, you won’t have to make big investments in hardware as well as software. This cloud based tool will save a lot of your work hours and money.

Email Notifications

Emails won’t be overlooked since they are a vital part of the communication process. Email notifications for work that has been recently assigned and SLA violations have a major role in ensuring the smooth execution of workflow. A business workflow management system(WMS)created around the email communication of your business offers a smooth correspondence within the workflow.

Patterns of workflow

Workflows can involve sequential, parallel or multi-tier processes or a combination of them. A strong workflow system won’t impose limitations on your process flow. Rather it will offer you with the flexibility to create these processes.

Presentation of Reports

One factor behind the use of this workflow automation software is to keep a track of how things are being handled. To assist this analysis, you need reports that indicate all details of these things. This reports will help you to take vital decisions while assimilating process as well as participant positions. A KPI dashboard will present a perfect picture mentioning the quality of work of each process and participant.

Modeling forms and graphical presentation

This is the most basic feature that a WMS software needs to have. An average WMS will enable you to model business forms. It will also enable you to show the flow of processes through your company in a visual style. Modeling forms need to be simple and intuitive for anyone within your company to roll out a process within a few hours. Simplicity is the hallmark of any WMS of high quality.

Have Real Time Control Over Work Process with Job Scheduling Software

The IT resources of an organization play a significant role in any successful venture. In order to survive amidst cutthroat competition, having realistic goals is a must for any company. Investing in a job scheduling software can help you save unnecessary expenses and channelize it in the right direction. Job scheduling is a time taking task and there is always a scope of perfection. Absence of structure can detrack any business. The necessity to stay updated and active is important for meeting deadlines.

Here, we will discuss about the long term advantages of using this tool for business purpose:-

Classification and Maintenance of Records

You can make use of this tool to catalogue various tasks efficiently. They can be classified in various ways such as influences, mediums of expression and personal preferences.

Consistency and Progression

Usually data and preferences come in a series and it is must to maintain an order and flow. The unity will therefore be determined by which thing falls where and when to complete which part of it.

Revenue Management

Revenue Management is often one of the last things that you pay attention to. But, spending a sizeable amount will save a lot of extra expenses and value to your business. High quality job scheduling software will help in tracking and initiating patron activity and collectors.

Mailing lists

Mailing lists really matter, let it be buyers, suppliers or even the bio and resume. Therefore, you must convey and communicate in a clear, concise manner to save time as well as money.

Advertising and Marketing

Result oriented ads when combined with a reliable job scheduling tool will improve the reputation of your company. This might start from the connections that you are trying to make or the connections that you are trying to have. You will need to keep in mind that using a tool like job management software as a positive feel of work.

Invoicing and Payment Plans

There are many important payments that you make from time to time. This includes supply payments, rent, utilities, furniture etc. When and where you will pay and the manner in which these outflows will be managed are significant factors.

Adept to Changing Business Situations Using BPM Software

Quality control forms a vital part of any business process. Management across different organizations look for ways to acquire more visibility and control over their processes. Improving reliability and cost reduction is their main focus. Integrating your applications with business process software will help you to adjust to changing business situations within a short span of time. It will accelerate time to value caused by a lesser amount of errors and rework. It will make your business process more responsive, compliant and accountable. Business process management(BPS) software will help you to automate your business processes and enhance your results.

Why should you choose Business Process Management Software?

The software requires no programming. It comes with a 100% web based GUI workflow builder for business users. There is no need for any programming. The Process Director provides some reporting, searching and business activity management(BAM), and process intelligence(BI) features. Integrated Business Rules Engine will help you to implement quickly better workflow as well as complicated business processes. This software also has web based smart forms which ensure more simplistic, quicker and cost effective way to create an automated, electronic form system.

Key Features

A less time consuming process time will help you to quicken the time to market and time to service. It will enhance regulatory compliance, enhance process control, auditing and monitoring will enable your business to follow compliance. Doing away with paper based processes and introducing automated, electronic processes is a quick way to ensure that all users follow existing regulations related to compliance. Errors will also be eliminated, and your productivity will show marked improvement. Consistency of all processes will be maintained, and errors eliminated. Productivity will also improve.

Process bottlenecks will be removed, and you will be better equipped to cope with and manage changes to processes. The relevance of the existing IT systems within your company will also go up. The time period for workflow completion will also be reduced.

Activities and Workflow

The workflow of a business process might include activities that are connected to each other in a logical flow. They can either be manual or machine oriented and will be integrated with other systems in the organization such as CRM, ERP, and Database.  Business Process software can aggregate manual as well as machine activities into a single system of logical, connected steps. This is an overall solution and can be included in the core systems of your company.

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