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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I don't have the exact version at hand, but it is an early 5x version. I need to upload a file to a subdirectory, and then rename it. The rename fails, stating that the file isn't there. A variable is used to pass the filename to the FTP rename, and the output indicates that it is resolving the variable correctly to the filename, and the file is present in the subdirectory that it was uploaded to.

It appears to me that the subdirectory that is configured in the upload step may not be passed to the FTP rename step, and it is defaulting to root. However, the FTP rename object does not provide a field to enter the subdirectory again, only the filename.

How do I get the FTP rename to work in the subdirectory that I uploaded the file to?

If the field type that allows a directory to be entered is needed for the FTP rename step to work, or if changes have been made to the VisualCron FTP client that allow this to work, was it added in a later VisualCron version, and if so, is it available in 5 or in 6?

If a change is needed, but still missing in the latest VisualCron versions at this time, is it possible to get a time estimate when a version of VisualCron with that fix would be available? (We need to put a file transfer into production that requires this ability, and would need to find an alternative to using VisualCron as the FTP client, if it can't be done soon.)

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Seems more effective to do this locally. I mean, rename the file before uploading. Much faster.
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
The rename must be performed on the FTP server after the upload. (It is a requirement of the recipient of the file, I think that is how their system recognizes that the upload is complete.) Because it is uploaded to a subdirectory on the FTP server, then the FTP rename must also be pointed to that subdirectory, and I couldn't find a way to do that.
You can use Variable in the source or destination path. But I am not sure about the best way to know which files are there.

If you had a list or could sync with a local folder you could use the "list files Task" to get a list of files then use the looping functionality to to loop through the list.

The path could then we manipulated for each file.

If you are using a file trigger this becomes natural if you upload one file at a time and then rename the file in a following Task. This should work with version 5x
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
For the FTP rename object (at least on the early 5x version we are using) it only has a field type for the file mask. Normally, such a field type won't accept a path+filename, but only a filename; nor is there a separate field type in the FTP rename object to enter the path separately.

I don't have a problem with passing the filename into the FTP rename task - I'm using the trigger variable for that, and it correctly resolves the filename.

So, for the FTP upload, I can give it the subdirectory that I upload the file to - the field type for the directory is present up the FTP upload object.

When I try to do the FTP rename, though, it defaults to the root directory. But that is not where the file is at, it is in the subdirectory that I uploaded it to. It looks to me that I must enter the subdirectory for the FTP rename. But the FTP rename object does not offer a field type that allows me to enter the subdirectory, so I do not see a way I can rename the file in the subdirectory that I just uploaded it to.

(I do not manage the FTP server that I am uploading the file to - it belongs to a separate company that controls the process that I must follow to upload the file to their server. I do not have the permissions on their FTP server to do anything other that what they request - that I upload a file to a particular subdirectory on their FTP server, and then to rename the file in that same subdirectory. I'm uploading a single file, and I'm only concerned with being able to do the FTP rename in the subdirectory that I uploaded the file to.)

  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
Just an update - I was able to resolve the issue, and the FTP rename is working now.

Thank you for all of your assistance.
Thanks for the update.
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