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I created a job that needed to be replicated 5 times.
I named each job differently (b,c,d,e).
I exported job b.
I extracted the jobs.xml from the zipped file.
I replaced all instances of 'xyz' with 'abc' in the jobs.xml file.
I replaced the jobs.xml in the zipped file with the modified jobs.xml file.
I imported the job b back into VC.
I checked job b and nothing had changed in it.

I deleted job b in VC.
I imported job b (from previous export) into VC.
I checked for job b and it had not been imported.
The import process gives me all the right prompts, and results it just doesn't bring in the job.

I restarted the service and client....didn't make a difference.
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You need to stop the VisualCron service before replacing any file. But I guess in your case maybe something was wrong. It is not meant to be edited that way. I guess you are better off if you first Clone a Job, then either edit it manually or replace in files. There are a lot of dependencies that you do not want to mess with manually by copying Jobs.
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I rebooted the server and everything seems to be working fine now.
Thanks for your quick response.
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