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I recently upgraded from 4.8.8 to 4.9.26 (which fixed the errors I was having btw) but have encountered a unique issue. My conditions do not seem to operate. They are task conditions that monitor a network folder for a file with wild cards, example:


This worked in 4.8.8, but in 4.9.26 the conditions always return a negative condition (file is not present). I've verified permissions to the share and files, as well as background/foreground operation of the task. If the condition is removed from the task, it operates without issue. Any suggestions?
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Conditions have not support for wild cards. Is the path really a path that you use in File Condition or File Trigger?
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Sorry, they do, but if you get that kind of error the Credential is probably missing or wrong (as it is a network drive).
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That path is using generic placeholders. There are actually a couple of different paths I am using in the conditions. That was just ot show you my format in the file condition.

The condition never returns any errors, it just always evaluates as false regardless of wether the condition is met or not. It started doing this after I upgraded from 4.8.8
But are you using Credentials where required?

Also, one change with the new VisualCron is the OnError tab. That it exits if an error occurs. Previously it continued.

Have you added debugging on the Conditions?
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These are the log entries I get when I try to run the task that is using the condition:

Running Condition Set: 'Check for files to import - CMM OP10' for task: CMM OP10
Impersonation Failed in CheckFileCondition
Condition Set (Task) returned: MatchError-> ActionNext

and then it goes on to the next task. I did notice the changes in the OnError section, and have set it to not run the task if the file is not present, but to skip ahead to the next task in the job. The thing is that the share path and file are the same as they were before, and the credentials are also the same. Why would it not work now, when it did before?
Impersonation Failed in CheckFileCondition

This text means that the login failed to access the remote drive. Most probable reasons:

* Credential has been changed
* Permissions on the user has been changed (no longer access to drive)
* You are not using any Credentials
* You are using the wrong Credential
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I have solved the problem, and it was credential related, but not in the manner you suggested. I actually had to remove the credentials to get it to work. The tasks they are linked to are foreground tasks, not background and therefore have no credentials linked to them. In 4.8.8 you still had to put credentials in the conditions linked to a foreground task, but in the new version the condition apparantly runs in the forground with the task it is evaluating for. After removing all credentials from the conditions, it runs like it should. Thought I'd let you know the solution.
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