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When VC loses connection to the network, the Event Trigger (File) is disabled and doesn't automatically re-enable.

Is there anyway to make it so it re-enables automatically without requiring a manual click?

(Using version 6.0.3 Build 23700. Build date: 2011-10-20).
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Are you talking about the same thing I am? I'm not sure whats causing it, but am on 6.0.6 and still see File Triggers get unchecked 'somehow' but have no idea when its happening or why. Its not used often for us, maybe once every 2 weeks and twice now its been 'unchecked' when someone went to use the file trigger to activate a job

Posted this earlier today: 

For my situation, a dialog box appears that says something like, "File trigger has been disabled." Then I have to edit job, click on the triggers tab, and check the checkbox to re-enable the trigger.

I'll take a screenshot next time it happens.

I'm thinking it might be better to scan the directory every 5 minutes rather than relying on File trigger.
Originally Posted by: rkippen 

For my situation, a dialog box appears that says something like, "File trigger has been disabled." Then I have to edit job, click on the triggers tab, and check the checkbox to re-enable the trigger.

I'll take a screenshot next time it happens.

I'm thinking it might be better to scan the directory every 5 minutes rather than relying on File trigger.

I think you need to find out the reason it fails. You should have an error in the log that the Trigger has failed for some reason.
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The most likely reason is the file server is being rebooted. The trigger tries for 10 seconds to reconnect, and then disables. Is there a way to extend the time that it checks?

Here is the log from c:\program files\Visual Cron\log\

19/09/2012 2:19:03 PM Err Could not UpdateFileTrigger in Trigger: 'New CSV files created in H:\IT\Archive\Axioma\SMA\', ex: The directory name H:\IT\Archive\Axioma\SMA\ is invalid.
19/09/2012 2:19:03 PM Err Error watching directory, err: The directory name H:\IT\Archive\Axioma\SMA\ is invalid.
19/09/2012 2:19:03 PM Err Error watching (ReConnect) directory, err: The path is not of a legal form.
19/09/2012 2:19:07 PM Err Error watching (ReConnect) directory, err: The path is not of a legal form.
19/09/2012 2:19:08 PM Err Error watching (ReConnect) directory, err: The path is not of a legal form.
19/09/2012 2:19:12 PM Err Error watching (ReConnect) directory, err: The path is not of a legal form.
19/09/2012 2:19:13 PM Err Trigger error: The directory name H:\IT\Archive\Axioma\SMA\ is invalid.
19/09/2012 2:19:13 PM Debug Trigger was expired and inactivated
Sure, just open the File Trigger and extend Retry times and Retry interval.
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Thanks, I'll give that a try.
This is exactly it. THANK YOU!!!!

I was able to reproduce this by setting a retry of 1 and time of 10 seconds per, then disable the NIC on the server it was watching. Sure enough, it failed, retried, then disabled the trigger tossing errors in the log file

I've now set our file trigger to the maximum of 500 retries at 30 seconds per try, which gives me 240 hours of potential downtime for the file share 😉

Thanks guys!

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