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I have a case which I think others may have as well, in which I need multiple VC servers to act the same way. To accomplish this, it would be nice to be able to setup a server once, export out the Job settings (which pretty much already exists) to some remote location, and then have several VC servers download the updated settings (from either a file share, possibly a remote Cloud site or even a Server url) and apply them.

For currently running Jobs, allow a setting for one of the following options:

1. One option would be to have any currently executing jobs continue to execute until they complete, at which time any job changes would take effect.
2. The other option would be to allow me to stop the currently running Job and then apply any changes to its next run.

This scenario would be used especially in the case of a predefined VM template that I could then spin up/down multiple instances as our internal workload requires it across multiple servers.

Thanks in advance. Let me know if you have any questions.
Warmest regards,
Andre' Hazelwood
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