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I am runnig the SalesForce dataloader jar with Java. The command I use is:

with the arguments of:
-cp {USERVAR(GLShareRoot)}\AppProcess\BIS\SalesForce\DataLoader\dataloader-26.0.0-uber.jar -Dsalesforce.config.dir={USERVAR(GLShareRoot)}\AppProcess\BIS\SalesForce\DataLoader\conf com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner

I see the ERROR in the output file but I believe that Java.exe is exiting normally. I would like to stop the job at this point and have Visual Cron report the error.
Forum information
Ok, so, the exit code is from java.exe and and guess it always exits successfully. You could try to use the "Use shell execute" method and just specify the path to the command. But if you do that you won't get the output (but perhaps it will exit properly).

But the main question is if your dataloader ever returns another exit code - probably not. Only way I see to do this is to use a Condition on Task 2 that checks the std error output of Task one and then do something based on that.
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