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  •  klr
  • No customer Topic Starter

We shall send a file to the authorities every last working day of the month. Therefore I really like to have this option.

The concept of working days should be able to take into account that the last (or any of) the working day may fall on a holiday, eg. easter.

It may also be taken into consideration that some authorities sees the day after ascension day as a not working day.

Really nice to have...

Best regards

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I agree with this, although its not quite as easy as you might think, as not everyone acknowledges holidays as a non work day.

The only way I can see this being usefull is to add an option that allows you to select all the holidays that your company acknowledges or wants to include in a 'days that are not workdays'.

I'm sure there's some algorithm to figure out what day is Easter, etc... each year, but otherwise I might be inclined to think that an update every year would be required to maintain the dates for each potential holiday that year.

I know other scheduling software has provisions for holidays (our old Product, Tidal Enterprise Scheduler was one of them.. $$$$) and i'd love to see it. Alot of thought needs to go into how it'd be implemented though :)


I am thinking about a crowdsourcing here regarding Holidays. For example that any one can upload Time exceptions to our servers and anyone can download the latest. Would be interesting!
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  •  klr
  • No customer Topic Starter

Where are several algorithms calculating e.g. working days or bank days published on the net. A day on google should produce usable algorithms.

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