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Hello All,
I'm using VC 6.0.9 version; i'm creating a new task which use Job/Task Control and the follow message appears after I choose a Visual Cron connection:
Login failed, reason: No such user

I've already used this connection but into the new task I can't Relod remote tasks; maybe it could depends on the fact that the other server is recently rebiult by a BackUP.

do you have any suggestion?
at the moment I'll try to restart server

thanks a lot
kind regards[img]null[/img]
Forum information
Login directly to the other Server and make sure that the user you try to logon as exists there (and not just locally).
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Hello all,
using the local original user "Admin" the connection run correcly, and I can reload remote job list.
the strange think is that using the same AD user it doesn't work
I'll try to create a new local user on both server and after restart services I'll check if it works

thanks a lot
kind regards
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