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Is it possible to add Active Directory Groups instead of individual AD users to the VisualCRON user permissions?

For example:

AD Group: Developers
VisualCRON user: create jobs

We would want to limit what the Developers AD group can do within VisualCRON.
Forum information
Originally Posted by: rainhailrob 

Is it possible to add Active Directory Groups instead of individual AD users to the VisualCRON user permissions?

For example:

AD Group: Developers
VisualCRON user: create jobs

We would want to limit what the Developers AD group can do within VisualCRON.

Not currently. Its one of at least a few related feature requests.

I second that desire.

I want to give our Help Desk team limited access to VisualCron.  They are already in an AD group, so ideally I could add the AD group as a "user" in VisualCron and assign appropriate rights.  As the members of the Help Desk changes, the AD group is updated and I wouldn't have to visit every VisualCron server every time someone joins or leaves the Help Desk.
We have the same desire too.

Indeed, use AD group to manage access instead of Ad users permits to limit the modification into VisualCron security


This enhancement is very important for our company due to the possibility to simplify the management of the security.
So, I will give more details of the enhancement to add the possibility to add AD groups and not only AD users.

In Setting of the server, there is the possibility to use the AD group.
If the user doesn't exist in the Users Permissions menu, the user is automatically added with the default right.
This brings some problems due to the fact that we have some different AD group with different rights.
So there is no really a link between AD group and security role in VisualCron...
But if you can add the possibility to add AD group in addition of AD users, we will able to set the security only once.
Indeed, Help desk will be only have access to the AD and not to the software.

It seems you have all information to do it because you can add automatically the user in the Users permissions menu.
It will be perfect to manage the security in VisualCron.

So, could you study the possibility to use AD groups instead of AD users ?

Many thanks,
To give more details to this feature:
1. Add the possibility to add a user in the "User permissions" menu
2. When a user connects to the application, VisualCron checks the memberof for the user and store the VisualCron rights of the user in memory cache.
3. If the "User permissions" change:
3a. Check the server's connection and verfy if all clients are authorized and if not disconnect them by opening a messagebox
3b. Update the memory cache for the all users connected

If you need more details or precision, let me know

PS: sorry rainhailrob to complete your post like I do but this feature is very important for our company and we would like this feature asap.

Was this feature ever implemented?

We would like to set up several layers of access based on the AD group that users are in. As users come and go in their roles, it is much easier to manage thier access to all systems (incliding VisualCron) if we only have to worry about adjusting AD group membership. This also addresses security concerns when users leave a role.

We are running v7.0.4. Let me know if this is in a more recent release, or if I am just overlooking an option in my current version.

Originally Posted by: RPriest 

Was this feature ever implemented?

We would like to set up several layers of access based on the AD group that users are in. As users come and go in their roles, it is much easier to manage thier access to all systems (incliding VisualCron) if we only have to worry about adjusting AD group membership. This also addresses security concerns when users leave a role.

We are running v7.0.4. Let me know if this is in a more recent release, or if I am just overlooking an option in my current version.


No, not yet. We have no plans right now - but it might change.
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this feature get a +1 from me!
would make life much easier.
AD Groups would be a top feature for me.
AD group permissions have been implemented in 7.5.0. : 

As there is no special documentation we outline the details here:

1. AD groups have now been removed from server settings
2. you know add AD groups from Manage User permissions->Select AD groups tab->Click Add
3. In this new window you select the default VC permission groups for this AD group
4. it is recommended that you remove all existing AD users by logging in with default VisualCron account before adding
5. if you experience any problems then turn on Extended debug logging and try again. Then look at the log_serverDATE.txt file. If you cannot tell what is wrong or feel that a bug exists then email us the file with details
6. when an AD user matches a group the AD user will be created with default AD group permissions. After that you can alter the specifics of this AD users
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