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I have a group of about 100 tasks that handles a three hour system maintenance window on a weekly basis. Currently, in order to schedule everything properly, I've split the tasks into 16 jobs to control the timing. The 1st job runs at 8:45pm, 2nd 8:50pm, 3rd at 8:55pm, etc. If, for some reason I need to reschedule the maintenance window, I have to go in and manually reschedule all 16 jobs.

I see that I can trigger jobs to start based off of other jobs, what I'm wondering is, if there is a way to set the time for the first job, and then schedule the other jobs to trigger based on the start time of the first job + X number of minutes.

Job 1 starts at 8:45pm, job 2 starts based on Job 1 start time + 5 minutes, job 3 starts based on Job 1 start time + 10 minutes.
Forum information
You can use the Job completed event and built a chain. The first Task in each Job could be a wait Task if you want a wait between what you do. The Job completed event is part of the VisualCron Trigger.
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Originally Posted by: Support 

You can use the Job completed event and built a chain. The first Task in each Job could be a wait Task if you want a wait between what you do. The Job completed event is part of the VisualCron Trigger.

How would I deal with differences in run times between the jobs? The 8:45pm job can take anywhere from 5-30 seconds, I need the 8:50pm job to run at exactly 8:50pm, no matter how long the previous job takes.
Originally Posted by: edunfee 

Originally Posted by: Support 

You can use the Job completed event and built a chain. The first Task in each Job could be a wait Task if you want a wait between what you do. The Job completed event is part of the VisualCron Trigger.

How would I deal with differences in run times between the jobs? The 8:45pm job can take anywhere from 5-30 seconds, I need the 8:50pm job to run at exactly 8:50pm, no matter how long the previous job takes.

You are saying that you both want to run them in a chain and at a specific time - I don't see any good way in doing this. If you have a suggestion on how this could be setup (how you wish it would) we could think about how this could be implemented.

I am moving this topic to Feature requests.
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I was able to accomplish this by setting a single job with a specific start time. It had a 5 minute wait task attached to it, I then had another job with a 5 minute wait task that would only fire once the first job completed. I created my whole timing schedule this way. I then went back and added the regular jobs, and would trigger them based on the start or completion of the wait task jobs.

Hopefully that makes some kind of sense.

Great, thanks for the feedback!
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