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Since upgrading to version 7.0.5 any Excel Tasks (Create or Set) that use the standard output from a SQL Task immediately preceding, no longer generates output. In the VisualCron client the Output from the SQL Task is as it should be. But jobs that have been working for months are no longer producing output. There are no errors so I am unaware that there is a problem until a process that is supposed to consume the output from VC errors due to the missing input file(s) or a user reports that they are not receiving their files any longer.

As I said, this is a problem with existing jobs that have been running for months with no problem and has been a major hassle when trying to create new jobs.

The most basic scenario is:

Task 1:
SQL Task to select records from a table and send them to the standard output.

Task 2: Create Excel Task to use the previous task output to create a spreadsheet. The Source for the Excel task is (and always has been) Variable/Value: {TASK(PrevTask, StdOut)}.

This is a HUGE problem. The only way I have been able to get this to work at this point is to rewrite the jobs using a Powershell Task to execute the SQL Query and put that output into a file in the proper format. I then need to add an additional Read File Task to read the file and then add the Excel Task with the Source being {TASK(task id of previous Read File Task, StdOut)}.

It seems that I can no longer retrieve the output of a previous task.

Please let me know how this can be fixed ASAP.

Thank you,
Forum information
Niklas Larsson
We also have problems with Create Excel task. The output from the previous task will not "tag along" to the create Excel task.

Really causes problems since we have a number of clients that (used to) receive information in Excel files every work day.

Please try to fix this error asap.

Best Regards

Niklas Larsson
Thank you for the reports. We expect a fix to be released on Wednesday. A workaround is to first save the output to file and use the file as input instead of Variable.
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Please test this release which the problem should be fixed in: 
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