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One of my staff seems to have more trouble than normal when doing installations. The current example is:

  • Server: APP01
  • User: jeffanderson
  • OS: Windows 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
  • VisualCron Version: 7.05 (though, we tried to back track to 7.0.5 and he gets the same error)
  • The system cannot find the file specified

This installation works fine under my user account. I'm attaching 2 screen shots. Why does installation under his account use a different folder than mine?

  • Mine (working): c:\Users\KEITHD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\pbA10AE874
  • Jeff (failing): c:\Users\Jeffanderson\Local Settings\1A667B4

I know that Local Settings is just a post-XP redirect to Local, but why does the installation process use different references for different accounts?

We tried deleting and re-creating his user profile, no effect (same exact failure.) He and I are both Domain Admins.
keithdavis attached the following image(s):
Forum information
Ok, he is having the same problem on APP02 (thought he has not had this trouble on several other machines.)

Actually, APP02 is getting a different error first (the same error as posted about here: ) and then the same error as described in this post.

However, the installation worked fine under my account.
And now on a 3rd machine, EXCHANGE01, which is Server 2012.
Keith, I had this problem too. I had done the installation then I stopped the service, changed the user name and restarted it. Started the VC client and it couldn't connect to the local service. I stopped the client, opened the settings from the TrayClient and closed that again, left it a few minutes and started it again and it connected.

Yes, it sounds very much like a permissions error. At lot of permissions are required at install as you need to be able to install service, make registry changes, move files into program files and temporary store them in Windows/temp folder.
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Originally Posted by: Support 

Yes, it sounds very much like a permissions error. At lot of permissions are required at install as you need to be able to install service, make registry changes, move files into program files and temporary store them in Windows/temp folder.

But Jeff and I are both Domain Admins, and as far as I can tell, I have no special permissions on any of these servers. He can install fine on some servers, but not others. Permissions how? We've checked permissions on the folders in question (temp, etc..), he has full access. We've tried Run As Administrator.
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Originally Posted by: Support 

Yes, it sounds very much like a permissions error. At lot of permissions are required at install as you need to be able to install service, make registry changes, move files into program files and temporary store them in Windows/temp folder.

But Jeff and I are both Domain Admins, and as far as I can tell, I have no special permissions on any of these servers. He can install fine on some servers, but not others. Permissions how? We've checked permissions on the folders in question (temp, etc..), he has full access. We've tried Run As Administrator.

I am not sure what permissions is missing in this case but I think we have ruled out that there are some differencies between the users as you can install. It could be something specific, like access on certain folders that are different.
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I just don't see how that is possible - that this user can't install on 3 servers, but I can, but that same user can install on all other servers. One of which has an identical configuration.
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

I just don't see how that is possible - that this user can't install on 3 servers, but I can, but that same user can install on all other servers. One of which has an identical configuration.

So, what you should try is to download the silent installer. Then run the verbose logging command with "msiexec" VisualCron.msi.

Hopefully, you will find in the log file exactly what goes wrong.
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Well, that installation works fine, but that doesn't really prove anything, because the full installer is failing before it even gets that far.

Ok, we figured it out (we think.) For some reason, some of our user profiles on these servers have the User Environment variables set to %USERPROFILE%\Local_Settings\Temp instead of %USERPROFILE%\AppDateLocal\Temp. We have no idea why this is occurring, but we are fixing it now (although, whatever caused it may cause it to happen again.)
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Well, that installation works fine, but that doesn't really prove anything, because the full installer is failing before it even gets that far.

Ok, we figured it out (we think.) For some reason, some of our user profiles on these servers have the User Environment variables set to %USERPROFILE%\Local_Settings\Temp instead of %USERPROFILE%\AppDateLocal\Temp. We have no idea why this is occurring, but we are fixing it now (although, whatever caused it may cause it to happen again.)

Ok, I was not trying to prove anything by that - I thought the problem occured in the msi and wanted to log that. I realize now that the problem is that the user you are using does not have access to the temp folder - which creates this problem.
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