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Hello All,
could you please help me to find the source of the following error?
the same error is traced on event viewer, but I don't understand the reason of the issue. It seems that task can't write on the network drive, could you suggest me if I on the right way? If it so, it could be enough add on Task to repeat task more time in case of erro?
thanks a lot

24/03/2014 16.17.53 Info Task started: Archivia Storia Log Orders EDI Tesi (10705)
24/03/2014 16.17.53 Debug Impersonation result 1: <ImpersonationResultClass xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><LoggedOn>true</LoggedOn><ProfileLoaded>true</ProfileLoaded><UsingLocalLogon>true</UsingLocalLogon><ImpersonatedAs>LSIT\administrator</ImpersonatedAs><ErrorOccured>false</ErrorOccured><ErrorString /></ImpersonationResultClass>
24/03/2014 16.17.53 Info Impersonation result 2: True
24/03/2014 16.17.53 Err An unhandled error has occured (please send the information below to

Server version: - (2012-03-27 15.08.43)
Protocol: 6.0.1
OS: Windows2003
Architecture: x86

System.IO.IOException: Not enough server storage is available to process this command.

at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.WriteCore(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.IO.FileStream.FlushWrite(Boolean calledFromFinalizer)
at System.IO.FileStream.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.IO.Stream.Close()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

24/03/2014 16.17.53 Info Sending error report to 
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Starting restarter...
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info VisualCron Server is shutting down
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Shutting down running processes
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Shutting down event triggers
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Shutting down listener.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Shutting down socket
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Shutdown of socket reached final stage
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Stopping loops and threads for timers
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Saving Jobs (63)
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Saving Jobs
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Err TimePutter exits
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Client: 5e59a3ac-6cb0-4503-be4e-26a3e7cce8c3 ( has disconnected
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Client: 5e59a3ac-6cb0-4503-be4e-26a3e7cce8c3 ( has disconnected
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Client: f7ad4694-f284-43f6-8e55-959d5301a67c ( has disconnected
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Removed handlers for connection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Removed handlers for connection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Entering RemoveConnection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Entering RemoveConnection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug ConnClass picked up.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug ConnClass deactivated.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Connection removed from dictionary.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Before sending ClientConnection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Connection: 5e59a3ac-6cb0-4503-be4e-26a3e7cce8c3 was removed
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug ConnClass picked up.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug ConnClass deactivated.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Connection removed from dictionary.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Before sending ClientConnection.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug Connection: f7ad4694-f284-43f6-8e55-959d5301a67c was removed
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Debug File trigger event has been ended, trigger: Verifica creazione/rinomina file in txt nella cartella SAPSW\IN
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Err TimePicker exits
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Task process was aborted by user.
24/03/2014 16.17.56 Info Jobs saved (2671675)
24/03/2014 16.17.57 Debug VisualCron Service shutdown reached last stage
24/03/2014 16.17.57 Debug Ending DBLogger
24/03/2014 16.17.57 Debug InternalWorkerThread has exited
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Before sending ClientConnection.
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Using normal logon (False)
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Info Verifying license, loaded (True)
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug License status (VerifyLicense): Activated
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Info User "VisualCron Tray Client User" (TrayClientUser) - Logged in succesfully through IPC (9a25541c-4a6c-427b-9321-c6f88c5550ae)
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Updating login status for: 9a25541c-4a6c-427b-9321-c6f88c5550ae
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Before sending ClientConnection.
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Comm IN: SERVERSETTINGSREQ
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Debug Server time: 24/03/2014 17.04.07
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Comm IN: LICENSEREQ
24/03/2014 17.04.07 Info ServerId: 70e175eb-2ee5-4c3f-b660-bbcc2e46edcf
Forum information
According to the error the disk seems full? Strongly suggest that you upgrade to a newer version of VC as well.
Please like  VisualCron on facebook!
Originally Posted by: Support 

According to the error the disk seems full? Strongly suggest that you upgrade to a newer version of VC as well.

That message actually has nothing to do with storage (Disk space). It's almost ALWAYS related to an 'IRP Stack Size'. We have dealt with this countless times in our organization on our 32-bit Server 2003 systems (R2 and non R2).

On our 2003 x86 servers we now use the settings below as a standard to try and avoid the issues you're experiencing.

The first section below regarding 'Memory Management' is for when you max out the nonpaged pool memory. The settings listed are the max you can set (See this article:  ) That's just for reference, and not directly related to your issue. We just set that on any system we apply the other values noted below on. At a minimum, adjust the IRPStackSize value: 

If you save the following text as a .reg file, you can easily import it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]









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