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it would be very helpfull to have a little change in the install process.

could you change the default install to "Client only"? because much more often we have to install an client and not an Server, so this would save time and would help to not install Servers on normal PC's.

or on updates it would be good to have the preselection on the Server or Client -> depending on the already installed version.

thanks for checking this ideas
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Thanks, but this will probably not happen. The reason is that it would cause more confusion than good as we will get support emails about the Client will not be able to connect to the server (when it is just not installed).

What we have in the silent installation is a on click silent script for installing the Client. Maybe that is something for you?
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I agree with this request, we have 1 server and 6 clients so the default of installing a server doesn't make sense for us. I would expect most people have more clients than servers.
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