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  •  Dawen
  • No customer Topic Starter
Hi, I created a HTTP task cron job, running every workdays at 5 am PST. I also created a flow for TaskRetry in all error condition, retry 2 time after 5 minutes.

This task is to run a HTTP request (an URL), the HTTP page will generate email notification and send to designated people.

It started this Monday, and we received email three times, which means the task retried twice each time. We also check the log, it shows "Error getting HTTP response: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error."

Regarding to the logs, it seems the scheduler detached the task failed, and retied twice and failed again. However, since we received identical emails three times, means the expected task performed successfully. Then why the system see the HTTP task as failure? Please troubleshoot it.
File Attachment(s):
vcTask.jpg (425kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
Forum information
This is something related to the code on the web page. VisualCron just returns the error code from the page. Then there could be several reasons why a mail is sent out from that page. For example if you ignore some errors in the code.
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