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  •  ppeel
  • No customer Topic Starter
I must be doing something wrong. The stdout from my perl scripts do not show up in VC's Output. If I run the script on the command line with ">> test.log ", the stdout is in test.log. Do I need to do something different?
Forum information
Be sure to check the following settings for your Task:
Task Main Settings:
Output: store standard output

This works for our perl tasks...
  •  ppeel
  • No customer Topic Starter
I do have Store Standard Output checked.
Also on the command line on the Execute tab I have: c:\ActivePerl\bin\perl.exe. Then I have the perl script as the Arguments: "c:\prd\code\".
Do you think that might have something to do with it?

if I put the script on the command line I get a message: "Unhandled error occurred when trying to start job. Error: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform."

Are you using this when trying to write to STDOUT?

print STDOUT "The quick brown fox\n";

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  •  ppeel
  • No customer Topic Starter
Well no I wasn't. I thought the default was STDOUT. I just tried that and it worked.
Thank you Henrik.
Good, youre problem is solved...
But yes, you are right: STDOUT ist default for print statement in perl.
Perhaps somewhere in your perl code or some module you use, you select  another filehandle as default.
Only this case you need to supply STDOUT as filehandle for print statements.
  •  ppeel
  • No customer Topic Starter
I've been trying to get the STDOUT from my perl scripts to show up in the output column in VC, but no matter how I change my script, I cannot get it to work.
Attached is a screen print of the Execute screen from VC that I use.

Notice that I use Credentials (patricia@DOMAIN(local login+load profile)). This is the only way I can get the perl script to run and write the output files to the defined path.
If I remove the Credentials, the STDOUT will show up in the Output column of VC like I want. However, the files do not get written even though it appears like the script runs without error. Could it have something to do with my "profile"?
ppeel attached the following image(s):
Originally Posted by: ppeel 

I've been trying to get the STDOUT from my perl scripts to show up in the output column in VC, but no matter how I change my script, I cannot get it to work.
Attached is a screen print of the Execute screen from VC that I use.

Notice that I use Credentials (patricia@DOMAIN(local login+load profile)). This is the only way I can get the perl script to run and write the output files to the defined path.
If I remove the Credentials, the STDOUT will show up in the Output column of VC like I want. However, the files do not get written even though it appears like the script runs without error. Could it have something to do with my "profile"?

I am not sure what you mean with that the files do not get written?
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