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I am attempting to get VC to look for the creation of specific file names.

So i will eventually have a job that will wait for 5 separate .txt files coming from various locations to a general UNC path. \\domain\Triggers

The files will be:


But everytime I try to specify a file name it simply does not run. How do I achieve this? Additionally is it possible to parse in things such as Filename_Todaysdate.txt that would be highly useful.
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Hi Stephan, welcome to the forum!

When you make a file trigger, you should know the path where the files will come in.
As the filename for the trigger you could use 'Trigger*.txt'. The * lets trigger the job on evet file that starts with Trigger and ends with .txt.
You should know that this filename also will trigger the job: TriggerFinger.txt The * lets everything pass.

If you want to be sure the triggered file ahs a pattern, you could make a condition.
This condition checks the filename of the trigger to a format you want (string compare) with the todays date.
You add this condition to the 1st task in your job.
In the actions of your condition you tell the jobs to stop when there is no match and to continue if there is a match.

Good luck!

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Originally Posted by: ErikC 

Hi Stephan, welcome to the forum!

When you make a file trigger, you should know the path where the files will come in.
As the filename for the trigger you could use 'Trigger*.txt'. The * lets trigger the job on evet file that starts with Trigger and ends with .txt.
You should know that this filename also will trigger the job: TriggerFinger.txt The * lets everything pass.

I am having issues making this part work please see below screen shot:


Yet when I drop a file in there named Trigger.txt nothing happens, I have dropped the *, doesn't help, tried with and without quotes, nothing works. But when i set the mask as simply *.txt it works fine. Do i need to set the file name somewhere else?

It's without quotes. Try calling it something else than trigger.txt. See the part about Duplicate file delay in the help file:

Duplicate file delay
Some systems create duplicate Created/Changed events. The duplicate file delay is a time period where no new events are accepted from the same file name.
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