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I have a job where the first task is a SQL stored proc., and I need to store 2 separate pieces of information from that stored proc (lets say p1,p2). The second task is an API call that needs p1, then depending on the output of that i'll run either tasks 3,4, or 5 using p2.

So far I haven't been able to obtain p1 or p2 from task 1. Here is what I've tried:

1) Set p1,p2 as parameters in task 1, with Direction=Output
2) Set p1,p2 as Output parameters in the SQL stored proc
3.1) Use the value from Task1-> Results->parameters->p1->ParameterValue variable in Task2 (e.g. {TASK(5bae4a07-2871-44a8-8af8-e359df62795b,Result.Parameter.Value,CCDSaveJson)} )
3.2) Use the value from Task2->Query->p1->parameterValue variable in Task2 {TASK(5bae4a07-2871-44a8-8af8-e359df62795b,Parameter.Value,235a3e41-e4d3-4284-a6d4-23424b839e05)}

I'm sure p1 is created correctly in my stored proc. because if I set Task2 to use the StdOut of Task1 it works fine.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

So just for testing purposes I setup an email task to send me p1 value, using {TASK(5bae4a07-2871-44a8-8af8-e359df62795b,Result.Parameter.Value,CCDSaveJson)} , and it is sending, but it only sends the very first character of that value. Since it is a JSON, I only get "{" in my email, or whatever I start that p1 value with. Is this a bug? Or again am I doing something wrong?

Edit2: UPDATE 2
It was only sending the first char because I didn't set the size in the parameter dialog, so after I set the size to max it works fine.

You can close this now I guess
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