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FTP task: (There are new options for create folder structure) in 7.7.7
If you choose create server folder structure you get all the way up to the root (/) folder, instead of where you tell the task to start looking.
This causes an issue. If we uncheck the option we get all files in a single folder.
This means that we would need a separate login for each task that drills into a child folder on the server and the new login would have to be blind from that point up to the root folder.
We would like the task to only create folder structure from where we tell the task to start looking.
I believe the old functionality used to do this.

Thanks and let me know if we are missing something here.
Forum information

the path should be the full relative new folder path, like /mainfolder/subfolder/newfolder
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Luke Saunders
We are seeing the same thing.. let me try to explain it differently...

Prior to 7.7.7 (we upgraded from 7.7.1 I think) if an FTP download task had the remote file filter location set to include subfolders, and the download destination "create relative server folder structure" UNchecked, it would create subfolders as they were picked up from the source. Now with 7.7.7 if that box unchecked, it downloads all the files to the destination with no folders created.

If you check the "create relative server folder structure" box, it creates the entire server file path, even if you are picking up from several folders down from the root. This is always how it worked before, but we never checked this box because we didn't want the extra folders showing up at the destination. When 7.7.7 was installed over 7.7.1, it appears to have checked the "create relative server folder structure" checkbox on all FTP download tasks where "include subfolders" was checked and "create relative server folder structure" checkbox was not already checked. This broke a number of our workflows because tasks downstream were no longer looking in the right place. When we realized the boxes had gotten checked with the upgrade, we unchecked them, only to discover that it no longer created the limited subfolders from where you picked them up, but just dumped everything into one place, and we had to redesign the workflows altogether to accomodate the change.

The regular File->Copy tasks have an extra option that seems like it should exist here too. Folder creation Radio buttons Create/Don't create subfolders, and a sub checkbox of "create full folder structure". If that same menu was on the FTP task that would fix it.
Originally Posted by: Luke Saunders 

We are seeing the same thing.. let me try to explain it differently...

Prior to 7.7.7 (we upgraded from 7.7.1 I think) if an FTP download task had the remote file filter location set to include subfolders, and the download destination "create relative server folder structure" UNchecked, it would create subfolders as they were picked up from the source. Now with 7.7.7 if that box unchecked, it downloads all the files to the destination with no folders created.

If you check the "create relative server folder structure" box, it creates the entire server file path, even if you are picking up from several folders down from the root. This is always how it worked before, but we never checked this box because we didn't want the extra folders showing up at the destination. When 7.7.7 was installed over 7.7.1, it appears to have checked the "create relative server folder structure" checkbox on all FTP download tasks where "include subfolders" was checked and "create relative server folder structure" checkbox was not already checked. This broke a number of our workflows because tasks downstream were no longer looking in the right place. When we realized the boxes had gotten checked with the upgrade, we unchecked them, only to discover that it no longer created the limited subfolders from where you picked them up, but just dumped everything into one place, and we had to redesign the workflows altogether to accomodate the change.

The regular File->Copy tasks have an extra option that seems like it should exist here too. Folder creation Radio buttons Create/Don't create subfolders, and a sub checkbox of "create full folder structure". If that same menu was on the FTP task that would fix it.

This setting has always been default but never worked. When updating the Task we fixed this issue which caused some confusion for some who kept this as default but expected different behavior.

If you still have problems with Upload Task then please send us screen shots of settings.
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Luke Saunders
Thanks for the answer, that makes sense. We were able to work around the issue by mirroring the server's folder path on the utility machines running VisualCron, and temporarily saving the downloaded folders there, and then creating an upload task that picks up from the desired folder level. It would be really neat to have the same folder creation options as there are in the standard File-Copy task as in the FTP->Download task so it would be easier to set up and especially easier to follow if you weren't the original creator of the task.
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