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  •  dmk
  • No customer Topic Starter
If I End a job in Task Scheduler, it kills the whole process tree. However, if I Stop a job in VisualCron, it kills only the parent process. This is a problem, since most of our jobs run scripts that run other scripts and programs; when we Stop a job, we need the whole thing to die. I see various posts here about this topic, but I can't tell whether the problem has been fixed, or is optional, or was fixed then backed out. Please advise. Thanks much.
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  •  dmk
  • No customer Topic Starter
8.0.3(beta) appears to fix the problem -- at least adequately for our needs.

I do note one oddity that I will point out, in case it means something to you: My initial test was to run a short stack of nested bash scripts with the deepest script running the cygwin sleep command (to keep the thing running for a while). VisualCron Stop Job killed all the scripts, but not the sleep process. Task Sched End Job killed the sleep, too.

Our real jobs, of course, don't run sleep: they run scripts that run C# programs; and End Job (in 8.0.3) does kill both the scripts and the programs. So that's all we need.

I point out the sleep oddity, though, because the sleep program evidently has some characteristic wrt which the behavior of VisualCron and Task Sched differ, and that might cause trouble in some use cases. (I don't know how sleep differs from our C# programs so as to cause this problem.)

Thanks much.
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