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New to VisualCron I have a question how to receive notifications for resource conflicts. Here is my setup:

- Job 1 and Job 2 need exclusive access to some resource.
- Job 1 has Task 1; Job 2 has Task 2.
- I have set up Task1IsRunning and Task2IsRunning conditions in a ResourceConflict condition set, and enabled to check this condition set for both Job 1 and Job 2 - works like a charm!

Now my question: when Job 1 is running and Job 2 should start according to its schedule, I would like to receive a notification that Job 2 was not started because the condition set ResourceConflict returned False.

How can this be configured?

Thanks in advance,

Forum information
Instead of using a Notification you can run a Task that matches the Notification you want to run, for example an Email Task.
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