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  •  sjw
  • No customer Topic Starter
I want to process a job with an outer loop and inner loop. See example below. I get an error when I try to add a second loop for the inner tasks.

What's the best way to do this in Visual Cron?

Way I want to do it
1 - Get Days to Process
For each row in #1 [loop #1]
2 - Get Data for Single Process Day
For each row in in #2 [loop #2]
3 - Process Data rows

Forum information
My guess is that you should create 1 loop. In this loop you call a job/Task control, and pass the parameters from the loop. In the second job you do what you wanted to do in the second loop. So it's not really an answer to your question, but a workaround :)

Originally Posted by: thomas 

My guess is that you should create 1 loop. In this loop you call a job/Task control, and pass the parameters from the loop. In the second job you do what you wanted to do in the second loop. So it's not really an answer to your question, but a workaround :)

Yes this is how we do it. It isn't possible to have nested loops in a single job
Justin Huang
I am attempting to have 3 nested loops run by creating 3 separate jobs.
I am able to have the Job/Task control "pass" the parameters to the subsequent job but in the 2nd job, VC only runs the task that it is being pointed to (and the remaining tasks don't run)

>Outer Loop
>> Inner Loop 1
>>> Inner Loop 2
>>>> Do Stuff
>>>End Loop 2
>> End Loop 1
>End Outer Loop

Thank you.

EDIT: Never mind!!!
Literally right after posting I figured it out!
My Job/Task control was set to point at a *task* and not the _JOB_
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