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We are looking to manage permissions based off of AD security groups. We currently have two groups that we plan on using, Developers, which all Developers are a part of, and Visual Cron Admins, which a select few people are a part of and would be granted greater access than the Developers group.

Our problem is that we can't see how we can specify which AD group that a person belongs to should be used as the basis for permissions. When I edit a user, it says 'User permissions from AD Group: xxx' but I don't see a way to change which AD group it references.

So, how do I specify which AD group a user's permissions should derive from?
Forum information
VisualCron does not inherit permissions from AD groups. However, you can add an AD group in VisualCron and select which VC permission it should use by default for users for that group.

Go to Manage user permissions->Select AD groups tab->Click Add.
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Thanks for the reply. I don't think I explained the issue well enough.

We have added two AD groups, IT Developers and Visual Cron Admins. Each AD group was configured to use a VC permission group for the users in that AD group. IT Developers is using a VC group called IT Developers and Visual Cron Admins is using a VC group called VC Admins.

When someone logs in and they are in one of the AD groups it is assigning them permission from the VC group. But when someone logs in and they are in both of the AD groups, I can't see how to specify which one they should be using permissions from.

As an example, I am in the IT Developers and Visual Cron Admins AD groups. When I logged into the VC server, it created a user account for me and the box is checked off saying 'Use permissions from AD group: NA\IT Developers', but I would like it to use the permissions from AD group Visual Cron Admins.
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