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We have created a .NET console application and generated exe file to be regularly executed using VisualCron task. We have tested that the executable run in Foreground execute context with out an issue. However the VisualCron is not able to run the executable properly in background mode .. no sign of failure. Please forward your suggestion in this regard. Thank you!
Forum information
What exact error do you get? Please try to run and then check the log_serverDATE.txt in log folder and paste related lines here.
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Here is the log items generated after running the execute in background

25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug SendJobStats->Ended (7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM)
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug Next action: ActionContinue
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug Next Task is: Execute
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug Calling StartTaskProcess() with Task: Execute (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Info Task started(Execute): Execute (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug StartProcessWithLogon2->Created StdIn handle file: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\a09f94a3-d827-403c-8fc5-66e6414d3f84
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug StartProcessWithLogon2->Created StdOut handle file: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\88486d3b-dcef-485d-8f33-eb3eaa78d709
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug StartProcessWithLogon2->Created StdErr handle file: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\6bef7bd8-062b-4065-a1bb-c6061b1e9b80
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug userToken: 3388, userTokenEx: 720, Desktop: WinSta0\Default
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug Process execute status - processStarted: True, processId: 3720
7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM Debug Process status - retrieving process id (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:57 AM Debug Process status - has left WaitForExit (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:57 AM Debug ProcessTaskExecuteClass->CloseOutputHandle: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\a09f94a3-d827-403c-8fc5-66e6414d3f84
7/25/2017 9:53:57 AM Debug StartBackgroundProcess->Closing output handles (API2)
7/25/2017 9:53:57 AM Debug StartBackgroundProcess->Re-open handles to capture output (API2)
7/25/2017 9:53:57 AM Debug StartBackgroundProcess->Getting output (API2)
7/25/2017 9:53:57 AM Debug ProcessTaskExecuteClass->CloseOutputHandle: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\88486d3b-dcef-485d-8f33-eb3eaa78d709
7/25/2017 9:53:57 AM Debug ProcessTaskExecuteClass->CloseOutputHandle: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\6bef7bd8-062b-4065-a1bb-c6061b1e9b80
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug StartBackgroundProcess->OutPut captured (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug Process status - trying to retrieve exit code
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug Process status - ExitCode fetched (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug Process status - ProcessHandles closed (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug Ending timeout timer (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug Ending output readers (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug Closing desktop handles (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug Process status - About to raise TaskCompleted (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Info Task completed (Success)->'Execute' (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug PrevTaskProcess(Execute)->ExitCodeResult: Success (ECCId: 746c95ce-d394-491c-925c-8bd50e4daa8ePId: 314, Exit code: 0)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug Found 1 matching flows. (314)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug Next execution (2) for Job 'Testing' is: 5:00:00 AM
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Debug SendJobStats->Ended (7/25/2017 9:53:56 AM)
7/25/2017 9:53:58 AM Info Job completed (Success)->'Testing'


It seems like it completes without errors and does not hang. Can you please enable Extended debugging in Server settings->Log. Then Edit the Credential that you use and send us a screenshot of it.
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