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Jamie Webster
What I am ultimately trying to do is query a SQL database that holds person information, search AD to get the path information for each person, then modify an AD group to add those users.

I can query the SQL database and then use the StdOut in an 'List AD Object Paths' task if I restrict the query to only return 1 result. However once I return more than one result that filter does not work.

I am also running into issues with the 'Modify AD Group' with using the StdOut from the Object path search task to add users to the group.

Appreciate any help and thanks!

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Jamie Webster
Quick update on this...

I have been successful in creating a loop that does a 'for each x in y' using the results from the SQL query, and passing the output of the Loop to get the AD Object path of the user.

I am stuck at the 'Modify AD Group' task. I can run this task using manually entered data, but not variables. I am using {TASK(PrevTask,StdOut)} which should pull the user's LDAP path from the previous task and add the user to the group. Unfortunately I have not had any success in running this task using variables. Is anyone doing something similar using variables for this type of task?

Continuing discussion on email.
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I am running into the exact same problem.

Looping through the results of a SQL query.

How can I use a variable in the user section of the modify AD group operation?
Originally Posted by: bv749 

I am running into the exact same problem.

Looping through the results of a SQL query.

How can I use a variable in the user section of the modify AD group operation?

Can you describe your specific problem in more details. It sounds like it does not translates Variables but we checked code and it should. Can you please test with latest 8.2.9?
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