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I upgraded to 8.3.2, and have found at least on of the variables related to Mail triggers to be broken.

I use {TRIGGER(4d706949-d4fa-43ce-89b2-81bd77177eac|LastTrigger|Mail.Result.Mail.AttachmentFolder)} to identify the path to the folder the attachments from a Email trigger are located from subsequent processing. It is no longer being populated. Was previously running 8.2.7.

I have changed to a fixed path with ..\{TRIGGER(4d706949-d4fa-43ce-89b2-81bd77177eac|LastTrigger|Mail.Result.Mail.MessageId)} to achieve the same thing, but this appears to be a bug. The same appears to be true of {TRIGGER(Active|c72df5ea-c269-4b44-81c7-4dea1bd954f2|Mail.Result.Mail.AttachmentFolder)}.


Forum information
Yes I have reported the same issue.
To avoid mistakes please use this instead:


Also, there is a difference with using the value in Server and seeing the value in the Client. This is a runtime Variable not really visible in the Client - only accessible from Server (through Variable) when the actual Job is running.
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These variables are still not populated in the latest 8.3.5 build.


Originally Posted by: beechc 

These variables are still not populated in the latest 8.3.5 build.



I just tried and it worked. Are you sure Server version is 8.3.5?

Where do you use the Variables?
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I am resurrecting an older process that worked in an earlier 8.0.X version of the server, and found that the variables that were used at the time are not being populated any longer.

I downloaded the latest beta to validate
Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 1.06.21 PM.png

I would expect to see a value populated in the bottom panel from the previous invocation of the workflow. The subject, body, Message Id, etc are all populated when tested like this.
Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 1.07.16 PM.png

I am using it in this case as below. The highlighted portion in the screen shot below which I have hard coded now was previously the variable removing the necessity to update the path should the location change for the mail trigger.
Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 1.08.19 PM.png

Hard coding the path in this case is working as expected. With the variable empty the resulting files from this workflow node writes the files to ..\Windows\System32 because the returned value was empty.


Originally Posted by: beechc 

I am resurrecting an older process that worked in an earlier 8.0.X version of the server, and found that the variables that were used at the time are not being populated any longer.

I downloaded the latest beta to validate
Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 1.06.21 PM.png

I would expect to see a value populated in the bottom panel from the previous invocation of the workflow. The subject, body, Message Id, etc are all populated when tested like this.
Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 1.07.16 PM.png

I am using it in this case as below. The highlighted portion in the screen shot below which I have hard coded now was previously the variable removing the necessity to update the path should the location change for the mail trigger.
Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 1.08.19 PM.png

Hard coding the path in this case is working as expected. With the variable empty the resulting files from this workflow node writes the files to ..\Windows\System32 because the returned value was empty.


It sounds like it is something in the combination that goes wrong. You should add a File write Task to write the Variables:


Then add the more complex ones used. You should also change the Id you use to Active|LastTrigger for readbility (if it is within the same Job).

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