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I've several tasks in one job
Each task sends its own mail!
I would recovery each text of each error message in order to create only one mail at the last step.

How could I keep them in a variable or txt file or other... to recovery them when sending the last mail please?

Any idea?
Forum information
You should use Notification on Job level instead. Check the video tutorial for Variables. To get the last running Task values you can use:


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Originally Posted by: Support 

You should use Notification on Job level instead. Check the video tutorial for Variables. To get the last running Task values you can use:


OK thank you
I will try that today and return here then.

I don't find any example to solve my request.

I would like to create a mail with using a variable as content.
This content will be created by each task of the same job:
Each task will add one text and the end of its process to this variable.
" tak name" + "OK/NOK", depending on the flow.

After the end of the last task, I want to use the variable to create the content of mail.
then I'll send the mail.

How create the content like that please ?
I would do it like this

1) Create a separate job that sends an email (Job A). I like to have generic jobs for these things. It could have job variables as subject, body, recipients.
2) In the job where you want to send the email (Job 😎, create a job variable that is updated after each task. Use the 'Set job variable' for this.
3) At the end of the job B, add a task of type Job/Task control (under internal). Call job A and pass in the relevant variables.

how could I do that please?
"...that is updated after each task"
This my first problem.
Unfortunately the only way I can see how to do this, is by adding a Set Variable task after each task. This means you get twice as many tasks as you would normally have. So add you regular task, and next add a Set Job variable task. In this task you update the variable with the new value (ie the old value + a new string)
And to do that I use the task option : "Environment - Set variable" ?
or another one ?

This task don't allow me the variable previously created in the job button "Job Variables" in "Main Settings" tab.
In the case I creat a new variable here, this one doesn't appear in other tasks, is it?
Use the set job variable task under 'Internal'. You have access to job variables there
To update body in the Sending email job,
must I push the budy varible from the first task to this sending email job or is it pull process In sending email Job ?

How could I recover body text from another job in Sending Mail Job?
You pass in variables, so that would be a push
Originally Posted by: Support 

You should use Notification on Job level instead. Check the video tutorial for Variables. To get the last running Task values you can use:



This doesn't work correctly. There is a race condition between the PrevTask and the last failed task when the Flow is set to "On Error: Continue with next Task (in order)". This will randomly output the StdOut of some Task on the associated Job, but which one is entirely timing dependent and not useful. I believe I have also seen it produce the wrong result even when the action is "On Error: Stop Job" and the Job is scheduled to start every minute and it failed after 59 seconds.

Originally Posted by: thomas 

Use the set job variable task under 'Internal'. You have access to job variables there

Thanks, thomas! This appears to be a valid workaround for the race condition in general job notifications. Not sure we're going to do this, given that it requires a Set Job Variable Task after every regular Task, but it does seem to work!
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