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  •  RZ
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Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: RZ 

Things worked for that past 5 months until we upgraded to version 7.5. Now, we get the old "267: The directory name is invalid.” error. Nothing was changed except the updated to new version!

If we try credentials we get the “77777 VisualCron specific error” error.

Same NEED for logical drive mappings and still not authenticating credentials.

It sounds like the drive does not exist in the VC context. Do you see the drive in "Mapped drives" within VisualCron (not outside VC)?

Yes. Under Server > Network Drives.

It works sometime and sometimes it gives the 267 error. Also, for some jobs it runs fine. Jobs are similar and use logical drive mappings.
We have not changed anything regarding network drive support. But we do not recommend using it for this particular reason. The context is very different and UNC paths is always more stable.
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  •  RZ
  • Free support Topic Starter
Originally Posted by: Support 

We have not changed anything regarding network drive support. But we do not recommend using it for this particular reason. The context is very different and UNC paths is always more stable.

I understand but we have legacy apps dependent on logical drive mappings.
  •  RZ
  • Free support Topic Starter
We have several jobs that run and they all pretty much are similar. However, sometimes they run and sometimes not. That 267 error. Is there a way to bypass that error or have the network drives reconnect prior to it?
Originally Posted by: RZ 

We have several jobs that run and they all pretty much are similar. However, sometimes they run and sometimes not. That 267 error. Is there a way to bypass that error or have the network drives reconnect prior to it?

I wonder if it is related to that you may use a Credential in that Task that make it fail? Do you use a Credential and if so can you try to remove it?
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Originally Posted by: Support 

Did you reboot the server after installing on 2012. It needs a reboot to install the Credential provider which is very different from 2003.

Is there any other option then rebooting the server? We are looking for a task to be run.
I haven't re-read all of this but if it's credential related and you just freshly installed VisualCron and cannot, for whatever reason, reboot the server you installed it on... try changing the username that the VisualCron service is running as. I.e. instead of 'Local System', run the ENTIRE service as a service account, your ID, whatever... some ID that can log in with admin privelages instead of using a credential for your task within VisualCron. That's what we do. Our VisualCron service runs as a DOMAIN\blahblah service account that is a local administrator on our servers and therefore when we run any task, it runs under that user context unless you manually create a credential within VC and select that credential.

Of course, rebooting the server is a better option than running it non-standard. :)

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