Community forum

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We have been having some issues with setting up all of our jobs to use VC. We had some issues with the File Triggers being inactivated because they couldn't connect to our ftp (which is a Unix box). We had polling turned on. We found out a way around this is to increase the reconnect interval from 3 to 5 and the reconnect seconds from 5 to 120. I am in the process of going back through our jobs to make these changes and periodically I get the following error.

"A Trigger was inactivated due to an error: The parameter is incorrect. The trigger was connected to job <Job Name>"

But when I go into the job and check all the parameters and reactivate the job it works fine.

Is there something I am doing wrong here?


Forum information
We will do some tests to reproduce this. Seems like a connection problem since it only happens from time to time.
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