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Alex DiMarzio
I have a job which the purpose of is to take a file that is dropped from an FTP server, move the file over to a processing server. I have attached an image which shows the layout of my job. I set multiple variables via trigger to copy the file over, then take the final path, and insert it onto a queue for further processing. I have set the "Do not start if job is already running" along with "Put Job in queue (does not skip Job - runs Job when running Job is finished)" check boxes. This process works 85% of the time. My job variables are set by the result triggers (ex. {TRIGGER(24d7da18-abd1-4641-a1ee-6dbbd4972dac|c5788d6a-1602-4c10-bdbc-97e8be25e199|File.Result.TriggerFolder)}).

The problem is when the file trigger receives a massive amount of files at the same time, I get file failures (where the catch doesn't give the stack trace, it gives "Exception in Task: System.Exception: No file(s) copied ", which isn't entirely helpful). My file paths seem to be correct when I view them in the output section, and in the email (s) I generate. I'm at a loss because of how random this issue is. It happens maybe once or twice an hour, and it's very sporadic. Any suggestions to try would be much appreciated.

Copy Task Copy Settings.jpg Job settings.jpg Copy Task.jpg Job with steps.jpg
Forum information
I do not recommend using Job Variables inbetween. The problem is that you need to change to these:

Source folder: {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|File.Result.TriggerFolder)}
Include file mask: Source folder: {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|File.Result.Name)}
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Alex DiMarzio
So the active should be used instead of the actual job ID? We have any number of "active" jobs at any given time. Would you recommend changing this?
Originally Posted by: Alex DiMarzio 

So the active should be used instead of the actual job ID? We have any number of "active" jobs at any given time. Would you recommend changing this?

Yes, because it is referring to the actual Job (not all Active).
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