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Ken Gould
I am trying to get a list of each job execution to monitor execution time over 1-2 weeks and when I call the GetJobHistory method from the Log object I am not getting any results.

I am using the sample client provided. I can connect to the server and the job names etc. all come through. However none of the jobs are coming back with any history. I know the jobs have executed within the 55 hours I am specifying.

Here is the code:

string str;
if (s != null)
List<JobClass> allJobs;
allJobs = s.Jobs.GetAll();
AddToLog($"Log from {DateTime.Now.AddHours(-55)} to {DateTime.Now}");
foreach(JobClass j in allJobs)
if(j.Stats.Active == true)
List<LogJobHistoryClass> j_list = s.Log.GetJobHistory(j.Id, DateTime.Now.AddHours(-55), DateTime.Now, false, true);
if (j_list != null && j_list.Count > 0)
foreach (LogJobHistoryClass jhc in j_list)
if (jhc.ExitCode != 0)
// do something
str = $"Job: {s.Jobs.Get(jhc.JobId).Name} |{jhc.Started}|{jhc.ExecutionTime} | {jhc.ExitCodeResult}";
AddToLog(str) ;
Console.WriteLine($"Job no History {j.Name} {j.Stats.DateLastExecution}");
AddToLog($"Job no History {j.Name} {j.Stats.DateLastExecution}");


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How long time does it take in the Client?
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Ken Gould
I did see it timeout (~30 seconds) a couple of times when in debug at the GetJobHistory call and my development computer, but when I run it on a box that VisualCron is installed on it came back empty very quickly (< 10 seconds)
I have the same issue.

This worked FINE on 8.2.8.

It appears to be broken now on 8.3.5.

I believe this broke at some point between 8.3.5 early beta and 8.3.5 final release.


The same driver program I wrote for you for our memory leak issue has an ExportToCsv command which tries to export all job history and task history. Neither of these are working now. Hope that helps as it is 100% reproducible on both our dev and prod servers.
The API appears to be broke. Attached is a screenshot showing there are 48,363 history rows in dev.


If helpful, I notice that this is what is returned in Visual Studio debugger when I dump in the Immediate Window the server.Log.DBSettings object:

    LogAuditDateEnd: {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}
    LogAuditDateStart: {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}
    LogAuditKeepForXDays: true
    LogAuditKeepForXDaysCount: 14
    LogAuditKeepMaximumRows: true
    LogAuditMaximumRowCount: 2000
    LogGeneralDateEnd: {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}
    LogGeneralDateStart: {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}
    LogGeneralKeepForXDays: true
    LogGeneralKeepForXDaysCount: 14
    LogGeneralKeepMaximumRows: false
    LogGeneralMaximumRowCount: 50000
    LogJobDateEnd: {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}
    LogJobDateStart: {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}
    LogJobKeepForXDays: true
    LogJobKeepForXDaysCount: 14
    LogJobKeepMaximumRows: false
    LogJobMaximumRowCount: 10000
    LogTaskDateEnd: {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}
    LogTaskDateStart: {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}
    LogTaskKeepForXDays: true
    LogTaskKeepForXDaysCount: 14
    LogTaskKeepMaximumRows: false
    LogTaskMaximumRowCount: 10000
    LogToDB: true

I even tried to force the settings to see if somehow the settings being DateTime.MinValue and KeepMaximumRows = false were causing problems, but still I get zero rows back:

           var settings = server.Settings;
            settings.LogDB.LogTaskDateEnd = DateTime.MaxValue;
            settings.LogDB.LogJobDateEnd = DateTime.MaxValue;
            settings.LogDB.LogAuditDateEnd = DateTime.MaxValue;
            settings.LogDB.LogJobKeepMaximumRows = true;
            settings.LogDB.LogTaskKeepMaximumRows = true;
            settings.LogDB.LogAuditKeepMaximumRows = true;
Originally Posted by: wam 

The API appears to be broke. Attached is a screenshot showing there are 48,363 history rows in dev.

The screenshot shows 48,363 of General log. It is not related to Job log or Audit log. In the screenshot you have very few of the others. I suggest keeping General log to a mininum and focus on Job, Task and Audit log as General log you always have on file.
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Hi Henrik,

All of the logs are empty from the API... I understand I was referring to the General log in the screenshot, but when i dump any of the logs, its all zero rows.

This definitely worked at some point. We were on 8.2.8 without issues. On 8.3.5 it is broke.

        private List<JobHistory> SelectJobHistory(Server server, bool failedOnly)
            var jobs = GetAllJobs(server).Select(j => new
                JobId = j.Id,
                JobName = j.Name
            var jobLogsToWrite = new List<JobHistory>();

            foreach (var job in jobs)
                var jobLog = server.Log.GetJobHistory(
                    .Select(jh => new JobHistory
                        JobId = job.JobId,
                        JobName = job.JobName,
                        ExecutionId = jh.ExecutionId,
                        ExecutionTime = jh.ExecutionTime,
                        ExitCode = jh.ExitCode,
                        ExitCodeResult = jh.ExitCodeResult.ToString(),
                        Started = jh.Started,


            return jobLogsToWrite;

        private List<JobClass> GetAllJobs(Server server)
            return server.Jobs.GetAll()
                .OrderBy(x => x.Group)
                .ThenBy(x => x.Name)
Hmm... it is working now.

I suspect there is some kind of bug in how VIsualCron loads the job log...

Maybe when I first ran Log.GetJobHistory, no jobs had ran.

Either way, it now works after we restarted the test server. NO IDEA WHY.

I do think there is a bug here.
Originally Posted by: wam 

Hmm... it is working now.

I suspect there is some kind of bug in how VIsualCron loads the job log...

Maybe when I first ran Log.GetJobHistory, no jobs had ran.

Either way, it now works after we restarted the test server. NO IDEA WHY.

I do think there is a bug here.

Ok, please keep us updated if you can reproduce this.
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