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Ed Judkins
I would like to be able to have a single Job open a program, then send key strokes to the open program. This seems to require 2 separate Tasks to accomplish.

I have tried using the Execute type of task for the first step, and the Send Keys type for the second step. Unfortunately, the second task will not run until the first task has completed, but the first task does not complete until I manually close the program that was opened by the first task.

This of course leaves no program to send the keystrokes to.

How can I accomplish the opening of a program and sending keystrokes to that program, within the same Job?
Forum information
You have two options:

1. Use the Execute Task and set the Task to start in Foreground mode (task main settings). You may have to add the Wait Task so the application is fully opened.
2. Use the Desktop macro Task to both automate the opening and key strokes
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Ed Judkins
I tried that but have 2 problems.
1) The Wait Task does not start while the Execute Task is running. Is there a way to quit the Execute Task and still leave the program open.

2) The second problem is that the Desktop Macro type of task gives me an error message, "Error in InstallRecordHook, ex: The operation completed successfully", when I start to record a macro. When I test the the macro operation, it does not do the steps that were recorded.
1. You could use a .bat file to kick of the actual process - this way it will start and leave directly (point to the .bat-file in VisualCron)
2. Probably a permissions error. Not sure which permission though.
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