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I'm in the process of testing VisualCron for use in my company. I've already run it through a few proof of concepts, and it is performing quite well.

One issue that we've come across is with file copies. We would like to have a workflow that calls a batch, and upon completion of that batch, copies the resulting files to a bunch of different servers (50+). As far as we can tell, a task with many file copies will do them in sequence, starting one after the previous one completes. We would like the copy for each server to run in parallel with the others.

Is there a way to accomplish this within one job? We would like to avoid having a separate job for each of these copy tasks.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.


Mike Biasetti
Forum information
I don't know if I am understanding you right. But one approach could be to add all Copy file Tasks within one Job. Then uncheck the Job setting "Run Tasks in Order". This will run all Copy file Tasks within that Job in parallel threads. The flow to this special Job can be controlled by using a VisualCron Task that is added after all other Tasks you want to peform before.
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Perfect! That will accomplish what I'm trying to do. I originally was trying to keep everything in one job and trying to get each copy within the copy task to work in parallel, but this will definitely do what we want elegantly enough.

I appreciate the prompt response. I'll probably be back as our evaluation continues.


Mike Biasetti
2009-07-21T20:47:35Z I'd like to expand on this topic a bit.

I've set up my jobs as you described. My next challenge is as follows:

After each copy finishes, I would like to run a batch file on the remote server.

I could accomplish this by having a third job with all the batch files in it, set up the same was as the copy job, but it would be really nice if we could kick off each batch as the copy finished.

Any thoughts on this? I'm playing around with conditions, but I'm not sure if the task will wait until the condition is satisfied, or just not run if the condition isn't met.


Currently the JobTask control does not wait for Job or Task to finish. That is something we could add. What you can do is to create the last Task in new Job and use the VisualCron Trigger to activate that (when Job X finishes).

Please add a request for option to wait for exit on VisualCron Task (in Feature requests forum) and we will fix ASAP.
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