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  •  bswan
  • No customer Topic Starter
Hello. I have been running a process that watches a file location and when a file is dropped, it renames it and FTP's it to another location. It has been working fine for months, but now I am getting an error that says "Illegal characters in path".

The filename I get is: version=2018-12-21_072200.gz

I then rename it to something like: by_event_date-attribution_strategy=fair14partner-converge_id=01_ABB_S3029-version=2018-12-21_072200.gz

The name is derived from the file path.

The error just started happening a few days ago. I cannot figure out what the issue is. Do you see anything that could be causing it?
Forum information
Can you show the path before it's converted, and your method of changing it?
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