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I'm trying to set up notification of when 2 reports are received into a specific directory. Ideally the workflow should be

Job 1:
Condition: Check if both reports are already in the directory. If so, exit job. Else,
Between 2pm and 4pm, every 5 minutes, logon to FTP site and download any files.
Decrypt to custom folder.

Job 2:
File trigger set to look at custom folder where reports are decrypted.
Condition: Check that both files were recieved. If so, continue, else exit.
Email notification that both reports received (must be sent within 15 minutes of receipt of files). If the reports are not received by 4pm, email with failure notification.

I have job 1 setup and working correctly but struggling with job 2. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Forum information
I see two ways of solving this problem. Use Conditions or Error handling.
For conditions I would suggest:

Job 2:
Filetrigger - Check every 10 minutes OR - use Job 1 to trigger Job 2?
Task 1: Read File A - Disable all error handling in the task
Task 2: Read File B - Disable all error handling in the task
Condition: if Task 1 AND Task 2 has Output Then run (otherwise Stop):
Task 3. Email notification

Job 3:
Time trigger: 4pm
Task 1: As in Job 2
Task 2: As in Job 2
Condition: if Task 1 AND/OR(?) Task 2 has No Output Then run (otherwise Stop):
Task 3: Email notification with failure

Thank you! I will give this a try.
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