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I have a job that I want to run when a file is removed from a folder. Setting up this trigger is trivial.

But want the trigger to only be monitored on the 1st of the month.

How can I configure VisualCron to stack triggers so that it will only monitor the folder on certain days of the month?

The reason I want to do this:
1. I don't want the overhead of VC polling the file system once a minute the other 29 days a month.

2. I am using this to allow a user to notify when the job to run. Their instructions will be to remove the file to trigger the job to run. If there were another way for the user to trigger the job I would be quite happy with that. (The users are not allowed to login into the server that has VC installed).
Forum information
If you use the normal File Trigger (and uncheck polling) it does not use any CPU. You could create a Time Trigger as well and create a dependency with the two Trigger but I recommend not as it might cause confusion in the end. You can safely use the File Trigger with 0 load on the server.
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