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I have a job that is triggered based on a remote file. There are 2 that are being downloaded. The job triggers, downloads both files and runs the job like it should. Once it reaches the last task in the job, it triggers again. This then causes a failure as there are no files to download or process.

The issue is, I am doing the same thing on another job and it is not triggering again at the end.

Why would one be so drastically different than the other?

Job that re-triggers after last task:
*the set job variable task is looping through the files listed in the task before it as we only want to process one file at a time.
*Also, the loop does not change the outcome when it comes to the trigger going off a second time upon completion of the last task in the job. I have tried with and without the loop.
*The wait was added as a way to make sure files were fully archived before continuing on. This did not fix the issue of re-triggering.

Job that does not re-trigger:
Forum information
Originally Posted by: hjohnson 


I have a job that is triggered based on a remote file. There are 2 that are being downloaded. The job triggers, downloads both files and runs the job like it should. Once it reaches the last task in the job, it triggers again. This then causes a failure as there are no files to download or process.

The issue is, I am doing the same thing on another job and it is not triggering again at the end.

Why would one be so drastically different than the other?

Job that re-triggers after last task:
*the set job variable task is looping through the files listed in the task before it as we only want to process one file at a time.
*Also, the loop does not change the outcome when it comes to the trigger going off a second time upon completion of the last task in the job. I have tried with and without the loop.
*The wait was added as a way to make sure files were fully archived before continuing on. This did not fix the issue of re-triggering.

Job that does not re-trigger:


Could you enable "Extended trigger debugging" on the jobs, then email us the logs? Right-click on the tray icon, chose Server->Open log folder and send us the "log_serverDATE" to

Also, send us screenshots of your trigger settings

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Joey S
You might be getting a temp file during the process which will re-trigger the whole thing.

The easiest way to verify would be to create a separate job that is also triggered the same way the first job is set.

In this new job, create one task to output the triggered file name to a file somewhere and see what is actually triggering it. This has happened to me before and, for different folders/triggers/file types, I have had to set the "Exclude File Mask".

I am trying what support mentioned above, first. I am waiting for the job to run after turning on the "Extended Trigger Debugging". If that isn't conclusive, I will try your suggestion.

Originally Posted by: hjohnson 

I am trying what support mentioned above, first. I am waiting for the job to run after turning on the "Extended Trigger Debugging". If that isn't conclusive, I will try your suggestion.


Keep us updated with how it goes.

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I have just sent you the requested log and screen shots, as the job ran this morning.

Thank you!
Originally Posted by: hjohnson 


I have just sent you the requested log and screen shots, as the job ran this morning.

Thank you!

Great. Troubleshooting continues via e-mail.

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Joey S
The other thing you could check, if you are waiting on both files AND both files need to exist, is to make sure you do not have an active trigger for EITHER file. Your job may be:
1. trigger 1-> file 1 exists - then run tasks 1-5 (for example)
2. trigger2 -> file 2 exists - then run tasks 1-5

If you have it setup like that then it will run twice because ALL (both in this case) of your triggers fired so one job run for each trigger firing.

You can set a dependency on the triggers so BOTH have to fire and if/when they both do fire, they act as one trigger.

Originally Posted by: Joey S 

The other thing you could check, if you are waiting on both files AND both files need to exist, is to make sure you do not have an active trigger for EITHER file. Your job may be:
1. trigger 1-> file 1 exists - then run tasks 1-5 (for example)
2. trigger2 -> file 2 exists - then run tasks 1-5

If you have it setup like that then it will run twice because ALL (both in this case) of your triggers fired so one job run for each trigger firing.

You can set a dependency on the triggers so BOTH have to fire and if/when they both do fire, they act as one trigger.

I only have 1 trigger that has wild cards in it to accommodate the 2 files names as they are only slightly different. But, maybe making 2 and using your suggestion will help. So far, the above suggestions have not changed anything in the process.

Thank you!
Originally Posted by: hjohnson 

Originally Posted by: Joey S 

The other thing you could check, if you are waiting on both files AND both files need to exist, is to make sure you do not have an active trigger for EITHER file. Your job may be:
1. trigger 1-> file 1 exists - then run tasks 1-5 (for example)
2. trigger2 -> file 2 exists - then run tasks 1-5

If you have it setup like that then it will run twice because ALL (both in this case) of your triggers fired so one job run for each trigger firing.

You can set a dependency on the triggers so BOTH have to fire and if/when they both do fire, they act as one trigger.

I only have 1 trigger that has wild cards in it to accommodate the 2 files names as they are only slightly different. But, maybe making 2 and using your suggestion will help. So far, the above suggestions have not changed anything in the process.

Thank you!

I sent you another email to follow up on if you'd like to continue troubleshooting your issue via mail. It's good that you've tested the suggestions in this thread though! Then we can rule certain things out if testing those did not change the outcome anything.

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