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  •  RobS
  • No customer Topic Starter
Occasionally we may encounter an unplanned issue like a machine going down or the VisualCron service being stopped. If we are using VisualCron on a different server that is connected, we will immediately be notified of the lost connection. Is there a way to create a job or notification that will be triggered when one of the server connections is lost?

Right now we do this via scheduled jobs triggered by jobs on other machines, if a job is not triggered (because a machine is down) then a notification will be sent out. This is limited to the scheduled frequency and since VisualCron is immediately notified when a server connection is lost we wondered if there is a simple notification that can be setup for this.

Many thanks!
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Originally Posted by: RobS 

Occasionally we may encounter an unplanned issue like a machine going down or the VisualCron service being stopped. If we are using VisualCron on a different server that is connected, we will immediately be notified of the lost connection. Is there a way to create a job or notification that will be triggered when one of the server connections is lost?

Right now we do this via scheduled jobs triggered by jobs on other machines, if a job is not triggered (because a machine is down) then a notification will be sent out. This is limited to the scheduled frequency and since VisualCron is immediately notified when a server connection is lost we wondered if there is a simple notification that can be setup for this.

Many thanks!

Hi Rob,

If I understand you correctly - you could use either a "Process" trigger, or a "Service" trigger for this.

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  •  RobS
  • No customer Topic Starter
Thanks, that does sounds effective. Just to confirm and make myself clearer, what we hope to achieve is to turn the notification attached into an email notification - would the process or service triggers be the best way to do this?


Many thanks!
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