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  •  RobS
  • No customer Topic Starter
Hi team,

Various users are encountering issues with the jobs/tasks not correctly displaying some of the details. One example is the progress being stuck on 0% while other users can see a live progress update. Another similar issue is the last run timestamp will not updating. These get resolved by closing and reopening the application. The other thing we noticed that may not be directly related is when disabling certain jobs/tasks, the status does not get updated without closing the application, this can be confusing.

VisualCron is often launched as a Citrix application or on a virtual machine, so this may be part of the issue.
Forum information
Yes we get these also although we're on 8.1.1 at the moment
Originally Posted by: RobS 

Hi team,

Various users are encountering issues with the jobs/tasks not correctly displaying some of the details. One example is the progress being stuck on 0% while other users can see a live progress update. Another similar issue is the last run timestamp will not updating. These get resolved by closing and reopening the application. The other thing we noticed that may not be directly related is when disabling certain jobs/tasks, the status does not get updated without closing the application, this can be confusing.

VisualCron is often launched as a Citrix application or on a virtual machine, so this may be part of the issue.

Which version are you running?
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  •  RobS
  • No customer Topic Starter
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