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I have job that has a task that copies files. I have set on the flow tab of the task that on error it is to wait 10 minutes and retry again 2 times. However, my job fails often and it never seems to attempt to rerun. It just performs the error flow on the job level which is to send me an email. I get the email immediately when the job fails, which means it can't be waiting the 10 minutes to retry first. Am I doing something wrong?
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What kind of error are you experiencing. Please add some screenshots of current Flow settings.
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Perhaps I can provide some additional information as we are experiencing the same issue. We have a job setup to copy files using powershell. The powershell is executed remotely against a different server. If this server is unavailable at the time that the task runs, the task fails. Instead of retrying, the job just fails and sends our notification that there was a failure. I attached the task level flow for reference. We have "All Errors" selected in the "On Error" tab because we've had issues with non zero errors not notifying us on failure.

***Note: It appears this is only an issue if "Run tasks in order" is not checked.***

We have the task set to wait 5 minutes and retry the job 6 times.
At the job level, we have it set to send an email notification on failure.

The desired behavior is that the task fails, waits 5 minutes, retries, and repeats 6 times if it keeps failing and then we should get the job failure notification after the last retry and failure. Have we set something up incorrectly that it is failing on the first attempt and not retrying?
Originally Posted by: kgroft 

Perhaps I can provide some additional information as we are experiencing the same issue. We have a job setup to copy files using powershell. The powershell is executed remotely against a different server. If this server is unavailable at the time that the task runs, the task fails. Instead of retrying, the job just fails and sends our notification that there was a failure. I attached the task level flow for reference. We have "All Errors" selected in the "On Error" tab because we've had issues with non zero errors not notifying us on failure.

***Note: It appears this is only an issue if "Run tasks in order" is not checked.***

We have the task set to wait 5 minutes and retry the job 6 times.
At the job level, we have it set to send an email notification on failure.

The desired behavior is that the task fails, waits 5 minutes, retries, and repeats 6 times if it keeps failing and then we should get the job failure notification after the last retry and failure. Have we set something up incorrectly that it is failing on the first attempt and not retrying?

This seems to be a bug, thanks for reporting this. We'll update this thread once we've fixed it.

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Austin Wong
I've noticed similar behavior. Has this bug been addressed in a specific version or is it still outstanding?
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