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This coming Saturday, January 25 we will be migrating our two VisualCron instances from Windows Server 2008R2 to 2016. We have created new virtual machines that will become the new production servers. I want to make sure I have all the necessary steps when I migrate the license from one server to another:

Step 1: Copy activation code to the clipboard and paste it into a text document for safe keeping.
Step 2: Deactivate the license on the current production server.
Step 3: Use the activation code from step one and input that into the new server.

We have both servers built and I will be testing this week to ensure there are no issues using the new server. Is there anything that I am missing when we do the transition this coming weekend?


Forum information
Originally Posted by: PeterW 


This coming Saturday, January 25 we will be migrating our two VisualCron instances from Windows Server 2008R2 to 2016. We have created new virtual machines that will become the new production servers. I want to make sure I have all the necessary steps when I migrate the license from one server to another:

Step 1: Copy activation code to the clipboard and paste it into a text document for safe keeping.
Step 2: Deactivate the license on the current production server.
Step 3: Use the activation code from step one and input that into the new server.

We have both servers built and I will be testing this week to ensure there are no issues using the new server. Is there anything that I am missing when we do the transition this coming weekend?



That sounds about right, however you can also keep a better look at your license status (and see the code) in your company portal if you have Admin access to it, if you dont, you should request it from a colleague who does. There you can see if it's deactivated or still activated and things like that: 


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