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We have a server running our VisualCron and backing up it's settings. As part of our DR plan, we have a similar server in another datacenter, running VC. We already copy the settings zip file from the main to the backup server, but need the ability to have the backup server restore all settings from that file, in order for all changes to the main not to have to be done manually on each server.
This is part of our HADR policy in case of disaster, so if there's a better way to cluster these servers we're open to that. Currently we'd just have to go to the backup server and enable all tasks. It would be nice if we can have a job/task to do that if we triggered it as well.
Forum information
Originally Posted by: fmusignac 

We have a server running our VisualCron and backing up it's settings. As part of our DR plan, we have a similar server in another datacenter, running VC. We already copy the settings zip file from the main to the backup server, but need the ability to have the backup server restore all settings from that file, in order for all changes to the main not to have to be done manually on each server.
This is part of our HADR policy in case of disaster, so if there's a better way to cluster these servers we're open to that. Currently we'd just have to go to the backup server and enable all tasks. It would be nice if we can have a job/task to do that if we triggered it as well.


Apologize for the late response - this post slipped us by. We are compatible with Windows failover cluster. Currently we don't have too much documentation regarding it https://www.visualcron.c...alcron_in_a_clustere.htm  (we are working on a much broader documentation regarding that currently)

But here's some more information on how you should set up a cluster environment 

Make sure that the "Installed in a cluster environment" is checked in Server settings. As well as both servers need to be installed on the same *shared drive* (not a shared drive you create, but that the windows failover cluster will create when you run those steps)


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These are all VM's and we want to keep it simple and have control over it. Is it possible to restore the settings file on the backup server automatically after copying it from the main server? All we want to do is ensure they both have the same jobs/tasks/settings, so we dont have to do that manually.
Originally Posted by: fmusignac 

These are all VM's and we want to keep it simple and have control over it. Is it possible to restore the settings file on the backup server automatically after copying it from the main server? All we want to do is ensure they both have the same jobs/tasks/settings, so we dont have to do that manually.

You can/should use the API for this (API samples are in the Samples folder in the API folder).

If you want something more simple/customized for you, we can develop a customized development for you regarding this. Contact if that sounds interesting to you.

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