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In VisualCron (9.1.5) I defined a "user variable with type "String".
This "User defined variable" contains the string "286".
With the task "write file" the content of the "User defined variable" is written to a file.
The parameter "Line break" is set to "LF".
After that the file contains indeed the string "286" but without "line feed" 0xa.
How can I ensure that also a "line feed" is written to the file?

Forum information
Originally Posted by: hansvl 

In VisualCron (9.1.5) I defined a "user variable with type "String".
This "User defined variable" contains the string "286".
With the task "write file" the content of the "User defined variable" is written to a file.
The parameter "Line break" is set to "LF".
After that the file contains indeed the string "286" but without "line feed" 0xa.
How can I ensure that also a "line feed" is written to the file?

Please send an email to with an example of the variable/task/file and we will try to reproduce this

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