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I have one e-mail notification defined for job errors and a second for success.

I'd like to prefix the subject line with an emoji tick or cross (e.g. ✅)

But when I add that to the subject line, the notification won't be sent — it doesn't seem to like non-ASCII characters (I guess because the subject line has to be encoded).

Is this possible? Or one for the wish list?
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Originally Posted by: barefootguru 

I have one e-mail notification defined for job errors and a second for success.

I'd like to prefix the subject line with an emoji tick or cross (e.g. ✅)

But when I add that to the subject line, the notification won't be sent — it doesn't seem to like non-ASCII characters (I guess because the subject line has to be encoded).

Is this possible? Or one for the wish list?


For that you will need to send it as HTML and use the correct html codes for the emoji image


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Originally Posted by: Support 


For that you will need to send it as HTML and use the correct html codes for the emoji image

Looks like sending as HTML is for the message body?

But I did find you can change the message encoding to UTF-8, which does allow emoji in the message subject.
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