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Mark Ellis
I'm trying to get a simple batch file to run on a different server. Credentials are set and tested. I'm using Remote Execute and have the batch file identified with a UNC path to the batch file on the remote server.

I'm getting "Exception in Task: Could not read key from registry"
Forum information
Originally Posted by: Mark Ellis 

I'm trying to get a simple batch file to run on a different server. Credentials are set and tested. I'm using Remote Execute and have the batch file identified with a UNC path to the batch file on the remote server.

I'm getting "Exception in Task: Could not read key from registry"

Hi Mark,
Are you able to run anything else from the remote machine or do you get that error every time? Please make sure you've gone through all the steps in the documentation regarding remote execute as there are multiple things that you need to make sure is correct when using that function.

"Firewall settings on remote host

1. Run: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM-HTTP" dir=in localport=5985 protocol=TCP action=allow

2. Run winrm quickconfig and answered y on the activate question

Other security settings on remote host

Step 1. DCOM permission

1. Open Dcomcnfg

2. Expand Component Service -> Computers -> My computer

3. Go to the properties of My Computer

4. Select the COM Security Tab

5. Click on "Edit Limits" under Access Permissions, and ensure "Everyone" user group has "Local Access" and "Remote Access" permission.

6. Click on the "Edit Limit" for the launch and activation permissions, and ensure "Everyone" user group has "Local Activation" and "Local Launch" permission.

7. Highlight "DCOM Config" node, and right click "Windows Management and Instruments", and click Properties.

8. <Please add the steps to check Launch and Activation Permissions, Access Permissions, Configuration Permissions based on the default of Windows Server 2008>

Step 2. Permission for the user to the WMI namespace

1. Open WMImgmt.msc

2. Go to the Properties of WMI Control

3. Go to the Security Tab

4. Select "Root" and open "Security"

5. Ensure "Authenticated Users" has "Execute Methods", "Provider Right" and "Enable Account" right; ensure Administrators has all permission.

Step 3. Verify WMI Impersonation Rights

1. Click Start, click Run, type gpedit.msc, and then click OK.

2. Under Local Computer Policy, expand Computer Configuration, and then expand Windows Settings.

3. Expand Security Settings, expand Local Policies, and then click User Rights Assignment.

4. Verify that the SERVICE account is specifically granted Impersonate a client after authentication rights.

Note about Verifying security settings:

Run WBEMTest from local computer. Put domain, username and password and connect to remote machine.;MSPPError=-2147217396 

More information about ports


If you've tried everything there, then get back to us at with details/screenshots of how you set up the task and such

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