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  •  jliu
  • No customer Topic Starter
Ver: VisualCron 8.5.3

Two weeks ago I used Powershell API to clean up Jobs/Tasks and somehow caused a job to be corrupted.

Now every day, the job will get triggered but nothing is run, and in the Job Log VC appeared to launch a unknown task and failed


In the Server log, i found the following:

7/28/2020 10:15:00 AM Received foreground Task: Q-Eq_Availability_NULL_Check_74_74_74_74
7/28/2020 10:15:00 AM Before starting process (57627)
7/28/2020 10:15:00 AM The Job could not be started because the file could not be found. Please check the path.
7/28/2020 10:15:00 AM Exception in Task: Non zero exit code
7/28/2020 10:15:00 AM Undoing any impersonation (57627)
7/28/2020 10:15:00 AM Task completed: Q-Eq_Availability_NULL_Check_74_74_74_74 (57627)

But the task "Q-Eq_Availability_NULL_Check_74_74_74_74" should already be deleted.

On the other hand, I can still see the job in the GUI but removing it never works. The job has two tasks
1. Q-Eq_Availability_NULL_Check_74_74
2. Visual Cron Error Email
And none of them is the one above that got triggered.

I think I made some bad API call attempting to rename the task 1 and then delete it in an unacceptable way.

Now the question is, is there a way we can force cleanup a corrupted "ghost" job or task?
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  •  jliu
  • No customer Topic Starter
Should I post it in the "API" section because this was somehow created by API queries?

But unfortunately I don't have the query history. If there is a way to retrieve query history please let me know.
If you take daily backups of your settings, I would go that route. Maybe try to import only the deleted job from your backup, or everything if that doesn't work. Optimally I would first export the settings as they are now, import into a test environment, and then try to do the restore there from backup, to see if it works.

Originally Posted by: jliu 

Should I post it in the "API" section because this was somehow created by API queries?

But unfortunately I don't have the query history. If there is a way to retrieve query history please let me know.

Hi Jliu,

Are you still having issues with this?

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