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I have an HTTP task, that used to output the return of the call, a simple JSON.
For logging reasons, now i need to save this output to a file, and now the task outputs the call used, and the file path saved to.

Is there anyway i can set this task to always output the return of the call, instead of the filepath it's being saved to ?
Forum information
What I do when I need what you're describing is have the HTTP task return the result as output, and either the next task or a notification - usually the notification, because I have a pair of them that work together for the purpose - notification on starting the job makes sure a log location based on job and group exists, notification on finishing the task writes writes output to a file path based on the same formula, and I think I have one for when the job completes that rotates the logs if necessary...or did I ever get around to writing that one?
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