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I'm on 9.3.0, migration from 8.2.7

I have a "write file" task that writes into {USERVAR(PATH)}\{JOB(Active|Name)}.py
and a "SSH" task, that executes said {USERVAR(PATH)}\{JOB(Active|Name)}.py

The job is called "python täglich" which is German for "python daily".
The "write file" task writes "\\projekt\VisualCron\temp\python tä"
The "SSH" task tries to run "\\projekt\VisualCron\temp\python t\xc3\"

The job works fine on 8.2.7, but now has this error on 9.3.0. The job also works fine if I get rid of the character "ä". With the job name "python taeglich" there is no error.

I've changed the encoding in the task and in the connection without any effect. Since the variable works fine in "write file", but not in "SSH" I assume something changed in the SSH from 8.2.7 to 9.3.0.

Or are you aware of that behaviour and fixed it in later versions already? I'm not too keen on updating to 9.4.5 right away due to the changed behaviour regarding SQL and credentials. But if there is a fix for abo
Is there any way to choose or change the encoding?
Forum information
Originally Posted by: haindl 

I'm on 9.3.0, migration from 8.2.7

I have a "write file" task that writes into {USERVAR(PATH)}\{JOB(Active|Name)}.py
and a "SSH" task, that executes said {USERVAR(PATH)}\{JOB(Active|Name)}.py

The job is called "python täglich" which is German for "python daily".
The "write file" task writes "\\projekt\VisualCron\temp\python tä"
The "SSH" task tries to run "\\projekt\VisualCron\temp\python t\xc3\"

The job works fine on 8.2.7, but now has this error on 9.3.0. The job also works fine if I get rid of the character "ä". With the job name "python taeglich" there is no error.

I've changed the encoding in the task and in the connection without any effect. Since the variable works fine in "write file", but not in "SSH" I assume something changed in the SSH from 8.2.7 to 9.3.0.

Or are you aware of that behaviour and fixed it in later versions already? I'm not too keen on updating to 9.4.5 right away due to the changed behaviour regarding SQL and credentials. But if there is a fix for abo
Is there any way to choose or change the encoding?


Apologize for the late response. Are you still having this issue? If so, please email us at with details


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