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Are there any examples anywhere of using the API to manage MFT endpoints and users? Frankly the .chm help file is only taking me so far. I've had to do a lot of trial and error just to get to the point where I can create an MFT server and give it an FTP endpoint. I can't figure out at all what is the API equivalent of checking the "Allow MFT" box on the main MFT dialog. This is getting very frustrating.
Forum information
Originally Posted by: MRomer 

Are there any examples anywhere of using the API to manage MFT endpoints and users? Frankly the .chm help file is only taking me so far. I've had to do a lot of trial and error just to get to the point where I can create an MFT server and give it an FTP endpoint. I can't figure out at all what is the API equivalent of checking the "Allow MFT" box on the main MFT dialog. This is getting very frustrating.

Resolving this via email. We've let our developers know about it.

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